
Essential Oils- are highly concentrated, therapeutic plant extracts produced mainly by steam distillation from flowers, herbs, berries, seeds, and roots. Citrus rind oils are obtained by expression, the cold pressing of the fruit peel.




Carrier Oils
Nourishing, vegetable oils, which can be used on their own or as a base for preparing Aromatherapy blends. They are obtained by cold pressing, usually from nuts, kernels and seeds.
Apricot kernel- a deeply nourishing oil of fine consistency. Suitable for massage, also skin or facial care.
Sweet Almond oil- Soothing base massage oil. Can be used as a nourishing facial or skin oil.
Grape Seed- An easily absorbed lightly textured base massage oil. Suitable for congested skin.
Wheatgerm- a rich source of Vit E. An ideal skin oil for mature skin.
Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil.

Essential Oils – 3%
Considered to be the “Jewels of Aromatherapy”, the most exquisite and precious of the essential oils and in the case of Jasmine, the absolute, have been affordably blending in a carrier oil- eg Jojoba oil.

Infused Oils
Flower blossoms are soaked in a high quality vegetable oil, Soya or Olive, to extract their active constituents. The result is an infused oil with the characteristics of the particular plant.
Arnica- Apply directly onto sprains and bruises, and gently massage into the affected areas.
Hypericum- Burns, bruises, wound, varicose veins, neuralgic pain.
Calendula- Cuts grazes, cracked skin and rashes.


Blend 5 drops of essential oil or combination of essential oils with 10 mls of carrier oil.

Skin or Facial Oil- Blend 5 drops of essential oil with 10 mls of carrier oil.

Therapeutic Bath
Add 5 drops of essential oil just before stepping into bath. Where the essential oil is noted as being skin sensitive, can mix with a tablespoon of milk, a natural dispersant, or with a drop of solubalizer before adding oils to the bath.

Foot Bath
Soak your feet in warm water with 5 drops of essential oil.

Fill oil burner dish with water, and add 5 drops of essential oil or blend, then light the candle or switch on.

15 drops of essential oil added to 50 ml of water. Can add some Aloe vera gel and 3 drops of dispersant = solubalizer.

Steam Inhalation
In a bowl containing 1 litre of steaming water, add 5 drops of essential oil. Cover your head with a towel lean over the bowel and inhale, keeping eyes closed.

Direct Inhalation
For an emergency lift, remove the lid from the bottle and inhale directly.

Direct application
Depending on oil- dilute to an appropriate ratio.
To dilute an essential oil for direct application, blend 5 drops of essential oil with 120 ml carrier oil, them apply to the affected area.

Mouthwash or Gargle
Swish 1 drop of essential oil indicated for use as a mouthwash or gargle in half a glass of water. Use this solution to rinse mouth or gargle. Do not swallow.

Properties of Essential oils
Aniseed- Pimpinella anisum
Aroma: Has a warm spicy scent and a comforting effect on the mind. Well known for its effect on the digestive system.
Extraction process: Steam distilled seed.

Basil- Ocimum basilicum
Aroma: Pleasant, sweet, herbaceous, light refreshing.
Extraction process: Steam distillation from the leaves and the flowering tops
Actions: Known as a sacred herb in India, basil opens the heart and mind, bestowing the energy of love and devotion. It is said to strengthen faith, compassion and clarity. Clears the head, relieve intellectual fatigue, and give the mind strength and clarity.
Indications: It may be used in all types of nervous disorders, especialy those associated with weakness, indecision, or hysteria.

Benzoin resin- Styrax tonkinensis
Extraction process: Obtained from the bark
Actions: Soothing, sedative effect on respiratory tract. Calming- can be added to bath.
Indications: Relieves inflammation of sore throat, and laryngitis.

Bergamot- Citrus bergamia
Aroma: Fresh and lively but gentle, flowery fragrance. Its sedative and yet uplifting.
Extraction process: Cold-pressed essential oil produced by cells inside the rind of a bergamot orange fruit.
Aroma: It is a common top note in perfumes.

Black pepper berry- Piper nigrum
Aroma: Warming and penetrating odor which is very stimulating and strengthens the nervous system.
Extraction process: Steam distilled

Cajeput- Melaleuca leucadendra
Aroma: Useful as an inhalation because of its stimulating properteis, herlps clear throughts and dissipates sluggish feelings.
Extraction process: Steam distilled leaf and twig

Chamomile- Matricaria chamomilla
Mild sedative for children, having a calming, but not depressing effect. Has a profound calming effect on the emotions, for people who tend to be hyperactive, workaholic, think too much and worry a lot.
Extraction method: Steam distillation of flower head

Cedarwood- Cedrus atlantica
Extraction process: Steam distilled

Cinnamon- Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Aroma: As an inhalation it is excellent for exhaustion, feelings of depression, fainting, debility and weakness.
Actions: It is antiseptic, digestive and anti-rheumatic.
Extraction process: Bark or leaf

Citronella- Cymbopogon nardus
Aroma: It has an uplifting effect and can help ease feelings of depression.
Extraction process: Leaf

Clary sage- Salvia sclarea
Aroma: Euphoric action. It is an excellent oil for treating nervousness, weakness fear, paranoia and depression.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of flower or above ground

Clove bud- Syzygium aromaticum
Aroma: It has a positive and stimlating effect on the mind, lifts depression and is recommended when feeling weak and lethargic.
Extraction process: Clove oil can be extracted from the leaves, stem and buds. Distillation of the leaf contains a lower percentage of eugenol.

Cypress- Cupressus sempervirens
Aroma: Woody- often used in men's toiletries, spicy, refreshing. Strengthens an overburdened nerbvous system and resotres calm. Seems to have a soothing effect on anger, apparently cleansing the spirit and removing psychic blocks.
Extraction process: Distillation of leaves and cones, sometimes twigs

Eucalyptus- Eucalyptus globulus
Aroma: Refreshing and stimulating. Assists concentration.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of leaf and twig

Fennel- Foeniculum vulgare
Aroma: Give strength and courage in adversity.
Extraction process: Steam distilled from the crushed seeds.

Frankincense- Commiphora myrrha
Aroma: Slows down breathing and produced feelings of calm. Useful for meditation, slowing down breathing and relaxing. Clears respiratory catarrh congestion.
Extraction process: Resin- harvested from trees by cutting through the bark and into the sapwood, resulting in the tree bleeding a resin.

Geranium- Geranium maculatum
Aroma: Has a balancing effect on the nervous system. It
Extraction process: Steam distillation of leaves and flowers

Ginger rhizome- Zingiber officinale
Its warming effect makes it ideal when you are feeling emotionally cold and flat. It sharpens the senses and aids memory. Very stimulating and grounding oil.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of roots
Actions: Stimulating warming and grounding. Digestive stimulant. Helps fight influenza and colds.

Grapefruit fruit peel- Citrus paradisi
Aroma: Uplifting and reviving effect making it valuable in states of stress, depression and nervous exhaustion.
Actions: Lymphatic stimulant and treating edema. Digestive stimulant.
Extraction process: Cold pressed fruit peel.

Juniper berry- Juniperus communis
Aroma: Clears, stimulates and strengthens the nerves. It purifies the atmosphere, supporting the spirit in challenging situations. Detoxifying and diuretic. Helps kidney function and urinary functions.

Lavender Lavendula angustifolia
Aroma: Well known for its relaxing sedative properties, and benefiting depression, insomnia, headaches.
Actions: Topical antiseptic uses for wounds, ulcers, systits and catarrhal discharges.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of flower

Lemon- Citrus limon
Aroma: Stimulates and clears the mind and aids the decision making process. Improve the functioning of the digestive system and stimulates circulation. Refreshing and cooling when feeling hot and bothered.
Actions: Research in Japan has found that lemon improves one's ability to concentrate.
Extraction process: Cold pressed from the peel of lemons.

Lemongrass- Cymbopogon citratus
Aroma: Invigorates, revives and energises.
Actions: Useful for treating symptoms of jet lag, clearing the head and relieving fatigue. Boosts the parasympathetic nervous system.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of leaf

Lemon myrtle leaves- Backhousia citriodora
Aroma: Uplifting and refreshing effect. Myrtle may also soothe feeling of anger, greed, envy or fear.
Actions: Benefit lung infections.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of leaf

Lime- Citrus medica
Aroma: Very refreshing and uplifting, ideal for fatigue and a tired mind. Useful for apathy, anxiety and depression.
Actions: As with most citrus oils it is considered a digestive stimulant.
Extraction process: Cold-pressed from the rinds of limes.

Mandarin- Citrus reticulata
Aroma: Its refreshing aroma has an uplifting quality often used to eliminate depression and anxiety.
Extraction process: Cold pressed from the rinds of mandarins.

Marjoram, sweet- Origanum majorana
Aroma: Marjoram has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves anxiety, especially when there is high blood pressure. This is a useful remedy for conditions originating from grief as it has a warming and comforting effect on the heart.
Actions: It is a good digestive calmative.

Myrrh- Commiphora myrrha
Aroma: Myrrh is one of the most renowned incenses along with frankincnense. Myrrh is thought to enhance spirituality. it is varuable for people who feel stuck emotionally or spiritually and want to move forward in their lives.

Niaouli- Melaleuca virdiflora
Aroma: Generally stimulating and uplifting. Clears the head.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of leaf and twig

Orange, sweet- Citrus sin The cheerful, sensuous and radiant nature of orange conveys warmth and happiness. It assists people to relax and unwind. Similar to Neroli (obtained from orange blossoms). Normalises the peristalsis of the intestines and benefits Liver and Gall Bladder.
Extraction process: Cold-pressed from the rinds of oranges.

Patchouli- Pogostemon patchouli
Aroma: Useful for anxiety and depression.
Actions: Patchouli will help ground and integrate energy and keep us in touch with our physical selves. This may be remembered by middle aged people as the " hippy oil" where it was used extensively in the 1970s for spiritual growth. It also has a significant deodorising effect.

Peppermint- Mentha piperita
Aroma: Stongly piecing, refreshing, sharp, menthol fragrance. Helps people become clear headed and refreshes the spirits. It helps concentration, by being an ideal remedy for all digestive disorders including colic, flatuence, stomach pains and diarrhea. It is an effective remedy for travel sickness.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of above ground

Petitgrain- Citrus aurantium
Aroma: Calms anger and panic. It is considered uplifting and refeshing for "down in the dumps" days. It is associated with the intellect and has a relaxing effect on the nervous system.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of twigs and leaves.

Pine- Pinus sylvestris -Used as an inhalation it is great for genral debility and mental fatigue. Pine oil is cleansing and invigorating, promoting feelings of energy and wellbeing.
Aroma: Strong, dry-balsamic, turpentine like odor.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of stumps, needles, twigs and cones from a variety of species of pine, particularly Pinus sylvestris.

Rosemary- Rosmarinus officinalis
Aroma: Strong, clear and penetrating, a refreshing and sitmulating herbal fragrance.
Extraction method: Steam distillation of the leaves.

Rosewood- Aniba rosaeodora
Extraction method: It is extracted from the wood chippings by steam distillation.

Sandalwood- Santalum album
Extraction method: Steam distillation of powdered wood.

Spearmint- Mentha spicata
Extraction process: Herb

Tea tree- Melaleuca alternifolia
Extraction process: Leaf and twig

Thyme- Thymus vulgaris
Extraction process: Herb

Wintergreen- Gaultheria procumbens
Extraction process: The oil is extracted from the leaves, previously macerated in water by steam distillation.

Ylang ylang- Cananga odorata
Aroma: Sweet, floral, extoic and heavy.
Actions: Boost self confidence
Extraction process: Flower

Carrier oils-
Sweet almond
Apricot kernel
Evening primrose

Oils for use with Blood and Qi obstructions
Essential Oils- Peppermint, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Cajuput, Wintergreen
Infused oils- Hypericum, Arnica


Essential oils. massage, Skin or facial, Therapuetic bath, foot bath Vaporization, spritzer, steam/Direct Inhalation, Mouthwas or Gargle
Infused Oils- Massage, Skin or Facial, Dirct application
Carrier Oils-, Massage, Skin or Facial, Direct Application
Solubalizer- Therpautic bath, Foot bath, Spritzer, Mouthwas or Gargle

Battaglia, Salvatore, (1995) The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Publisher- The Perfect Potion, Virginia QLD Australia. ISBN 0 646 20670 2

Cold pressing pinapple peels       Image credit: Indelicato 
 Steam Distillation          Image credit: Devine Essence