Juniperus communis.  Juniper   Family: Cupressaceae   

PART USED: Ripe fruits
TASTE: Sweet ODOR: Aromatic.
GROUP: The Urinary System -Diuretics
1. Diuretic.[1,2,3]
2. Antirheumatic.[1] Antiinflammatory.[3]
3. Antiseptic.[1,2,3]
4. Carminative.[1,2,3]
5. Bitter tonic.
6. Stomachic.[1]
1. Acute and chronic cystitis.[1,3] Cystitis without renal inflammation. Edema. Stones.
2. Edema of cardiac origin.
3. Rheumatic disorders.[1,2,3]-  local also
4. Flatulent colic.[1]
5. Bronchial catarrh
6. Slow healing wounds
Externally- Rheumatic pain in joints or muscles.[1]
SPECIFIC INDICATIONS: Cystitis, in absence of renal inflammation.[1]
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Renal disease and pregnancy.[1,2,3]
- Cystitis- use with Parsley Piert.
Dried ripe fruits.
Infusion  1:20 in boiling water 100 ml.[1]
Fluid extract  1:1 in 25% alcohol  2-4 ml.[1]
Tincture  1:5 in 45% alcohol 1-2 ml.[1]

Juniper oil
Volatile oil   0.05-0.2 ml. (BPC1949).
Juniper spirit 0.3-1.2 ml (BPC1949).

ORIGIN: Europe, Asia and North America.
DESCRIPTION: An evergreen shrub. The fruit, usually called a "berry" which it resembles, is about 0.5-1 cm in diameter, globular, purplish-black with a grey bloom, and three lines or furrows joint at the apex, indicating the junction of the three seeds.


The antiinflammatory effects have been demonstrated in vivo.[1] It is normally avoided during pregnancy, mainly because of the notorious reputation of gin, of which Juniper is the main flavor ingredient.[2]
[1] Mascolo, N. et al. (1987) Phytother. Res. 1 (1), 28
[2] Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations  R.C. Wren Revised by Elizabeth M. Williamson and Fred J Evans. First published in Great Britain in 1988 and reprinted in 1989 and 1994 by the C. W. Daniel Company Limited. 1 Church Path, Saffron Walden Essex. Published 1988 Printed and bound by Biddles, Guildford ISBN 085207 1973.

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