SHEN SU YIN- Ginseng & Perilla Combination Ginseng & Perilla leaf drink 沈尹戍   Shen su yin          
GROUP: Exterior clearing
1. Releases exterior Wind Cold, disperses stagnant Qi and harmonises the middle Jiao, transforms Phlegm, tonifies Qi.
1. Exterior Wind Cold in patients with Lung and Spleen Qi deficiency with Phlegm Damp retention:
Chills and fever, productive cough with white sputum, nasal congestion, headache, stifling sensation in chest, abdominal fullness, poor appetite, loose stools, weakness, fatigue T- pale with a white and greasy coating P- weak and may also be soft
APPLICATIONS: Common cold, inflenza, gastrointestinal flu.
Aucklandia lappa- 木香 Mù Xiāng- Costus Root
Citrus tangerina- 陳皮 Chén pí- Aged Tangerine skin
Panax ginseng  人參   Rén shēn- Asiatic Ginseng
Citrus aurantium- 枳壳 Zhǐ ké- Dried ripe bitter orange
Pueraria pseudohirsuta- 葛根 Gé gēn- Pueraria, Kudzu vine
Ziziphus jujuba, Z. vulgaris  大枣 Dà Zǎo- Large date
Zingiber officinale- 生姜 Shēng jiāng- Fresh Ginger rhizome
Perilla fructescens- 紫苏叶 Zǐ sū yè Perilla Leaf  
Glycyrrhiza uralensis- 炙甘草 Zhì gān cǎo- Cooked Licorice
Pinellia ternata- 半夏 Bàn xià- Pinellia
Poria cocos茯苓 Fú líng- Hoelen wood fungus
Platycodon grandiflorus 桔梗 Jié gěng- Balloon flower root- Platycodon
Notopterygium incisium- 羌活 Qiāng Huó- Notopterygium root
COMMENTS: This formula treats common cold or "Flu" or Wind Cold type in cases with weak constitutional and Phlegm Damp retention. In addition to the usual clinical picture of Exterior Wind Cold there is the presence of sputum and thick white or clear nasal discharge with stifling sensation in the chest. In contrast to the usual pattern, the tongue is thickly coated and the pulse is not floating.