Syzygium cumini. S. jambolanum, Eugenia jambolana   Jambul,Eugenia, Jambula, Jamba, Java Plum   Family: Myrtaceae  

PART USED: Fruits  
TASTE: Sweet and bitter  ODOR: Pungent
GROUP: The Endocrine and Reproductive- Hypoglycaemics
1. Hypglycaemic.[1,2]
2. Astringent.[1,2]
3. Carminative.[1,2]
4. Diuretic.
1. Diabetes mellitus.
2. Diarrhea with griping.[1,2]
3. Glycosuria.
- Diarrhea, use with Oak, Raspberry and/or Sweet Flag.
Dried Fruits  0.3-2 g.[1,2] or by infusion or decoction[1] 1:20.
Fluid Extract  1:1 in 25% alcohol  2-4 ml.[1,2]
Powdered Seeds.

PART USED: Seeds  
TASTE: Faintly astringent and aromatic ODOR: Slight
1. Antidiabetic.[3]
2. Astringent.[3]
3. Diuretic.[3]
Powdered seeds 0.3-2 g.[3]
Liquid extract  4-8 ml.[3]
ORIGIN: East Indies and India. Indonesia and Australia.
DESCRIPTION: Seeds; subcylindrical, about 6 mm long and rather less in diameter; one end truncated and with a central depression. Externally hard and tough, blackish-brown; internally pinkish-brown.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.

An extract of fruit and seeds produces a pronounced hypglycaemic effect in animals, in some cases comparable to that of tolbutamide, and abolishes glycosuria in rats.[1,2,3]
[1] Jain, S. R. and Sharma, S. N. (1967) Planta Med. 15 (4), 439
[2] Mukherjee, S. K. et al. (1963) Ind. Med. Gaz. 3, 97
[3] Shrothi, D. S. et al. (1963) Ind. J. Med. Res. 51, 464

Davidson on Jambul for Diabetes 1892