Japanese Incense

  Morning Star - Patchouli

Morning Star - Patchouli

Fragrance of Powerful Patchouli. 50 sticks and ceramic holder. Burn time approx 25 mins. Morning Star Incense was created in the 1960s in Japan. The...


  Morning Star - Rose

Morning Star - Rose

Fragrance of Clean Rose. 50 sticks and ceramic holder. Burn time approx 25 mins. Morning Star Incense was created in the 1960s in Japan. The...


  Morning Star - Vanilla

Morning Star - Vanilla

Fragrance of Sweet Vanilla. 50 sticks and ceramic holder. Burn time approx 25 mins. Morning Star Incense was created in the 1960s in Japan. The...


  Morning Star Incense - Cedarwood

Morning Star Incense - Cedarwood

Fragrance of Natural Cedarwood. 50 sticks and ceramic holder. Burn time approx 25 mins. Morning Star Incense was created in the 1960s in Japan. The...


  Orchid Moon

Orchid Moon

Light and exotic 45 sticks, approx 55 mins burning time. The sweet and delicate fragrance of Tropical Orchids blended with Sandalwood, Cinnamon &...


  Sacred Tree Incense

Sacred Tree Incense

Excellent for meditation 80 sticks, approx. 70min burning time. The soft contemplative aroma of refined, mature Sandalwood.


  Shikobai - Crimson Plum

Shikobai - Crimson Plum

Excellent for meditation. 100 Sticks, approx. 60 min burning time. Wrapped in traditional rice paper.  A traditional incense fragrance treasured...


  Spring Violet

Spring Violet

Calming and soothing 100 sticks, approx. 30min burning time. Japanese Violet Blossoms perfectly blended on a base of Indian Sandalwood.


  Wildflower - Smokeless

Wildflower - Smokeless

The fragrance of Japanese wildflowers in Spring. Sweet and serene.130 sticks burn for approx 30 minutes

