Restless Legs Relief is a homoeopathic formulation combined with Schuessler Tissue Salts traditionally used for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with:
Uncontrollable leg movements, Night twitches or electric shocks, Pulsing and jerking limbs, Itching, crawling or tingling sensations, Growing pains, Restlessness, Cramps, Leg and feet aches.
Try these Schuessler Tissue Salts in combination with Restless Legs Relief for additional benefit;
Mag Phos, Comb P or Comb 5.
Dosage: Adults: 1 dose is 4 sprays Children: (2-12) 1 dose is 2 sprays Directions: Actue dose: Take 1 dose every 30 minutes, until symptoms subside, up to 4 doses, then continue a maintenance dose of 1 dose 4 times per day (max 8 doses per day).
Maintenance dose: Take 1 dose 4 times daily
Size: 25ml
Ingredients: Arsenicum album 6C, Calcium phosphate 6X, Causticum hahnemanni 12C, Lycopodium 6C, Magnesium phosphate 6X, Rhus toxicodendron 6X, Zincum metallicum 12C, Contains ethanol.