What is your opening hours for the store?
1pm-6pm  Monday to Friday. 9pm-1pm Sat.  Daylight savings time.

Do we have a shop front retail store?
We certainly do! We have been operating a successful business for the last 14 years, where we operate a gift store and herbal dispensary in the historic Smith House in Armidale, NSW. Goods can be picked up at during opening hours from this address.

Your order will be posted by Australia Post within 1 business day from when we receive your order.

Do you accept cheques or money orders?
Goods will be sent out on clearance of money order or cheque.

Can I place an order with a human?
Yes we here at Inner Path actually have really cool humans who answers those old fashioned phones. Call us on 0267723894.

Can I pay for my order over the phone?
Yes those same humans are more than happy to take your money over the phone.

Can I change my online order?
If you have made an error the best way to fix you order is to call us immediately. We will do out best to alter your order as long as it hasn't been dispatched.

Will you deliver overseas?
Yes by Air or Surface mail.

Is Inner Path a secure site?
Yes Inner Path is a secure site. Money is accepted automatically using Pay Pal, however we do have credit card facilities, and this can be arranged securely over the phone.

I have forgotten my login and password?
Not a problem, don’t we all…. Login. Enter your email address and click on "We will send you an email with your new password". Use this new password to login.

How do I keep up to date with new products?
The best way is to register on this site and tick to accept the newsletter.