Crystals/ Tumblestones

Crystals are collected for many different reasons, from working with their healing qualities to being admired!

Tumblestones are created by tumbling/polishing rough pieces of crystal to create a smooth surface and shape which often also reveals the inner beauty of the crystal. They are used for many purposes such as crystal layouts, wearing in pouches, placing around the home or office, holding in your hand and many others.



Powerful stone to dispel negative energies, kyanite does not hold negative energies and never needs cleansing. Good for attunement and meditation,...


  Kyanite - Rough

Kyanite - Rough

Kyanite is excellent for attunement and meditation. Aligns the chakras and restores Qi to the body. Dispels negative energy, it never stores negative...


  Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a stone of friendship and truth. Said to encourage harmony in relationships and help its wearer to be authentic and give his or her...




Purple Clove Stone Very useful in the reduction of stress and depression. Promotes energies of light, hope and acceptance. Stone of transition, aids...




Malachite - Revitalizing - Increases courage and determination as it dissolves fear and anxiety. Draws out pain from injuries and is vitalising for...




Assists in emotional release and helps to balance emotion and create a feeling of wellbeing. Very soothing for anyone feeling over-emotional....


  Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper

It is said to be the Earth Mother speaking to her childeren. It contains a message from the past in its pictures for those who can read it. A very...


Units:  40


Excellent stone for meditation and relaxation. A stone of unconditional love and brings healing to the healer. Enhances prophecy and shows the way...




A stone for protection, dispelling negative energy and protect from danger. Helps to nourish the body and mind promoting health.


Units:  30
  Red Aventurine

Red Aventurine

Works on the physical body to help in recuperating after surgery or illness. Helps to strenghten muscles after childbirth.


Units:  30