Crystals/ Tumblestones

Crystals are collected for many different reasons, from working with their healing qualities to being admired!

Tumblestones are created by tumbling/polishing rough pieces of crystal to create a smooth surface and shape which often also reveals the inner beauty of the crystal. They are used for many purposes such as crystal layouts, wearing in pouches, placing around the home or office, holding in your hand and many others.

  Red Jasper

Red Jasper

Brings problems to light before they become too big and provides insights into the most difficult situations. Makes an excellent "worry bead",...


  Red Tiger Eye

Red Tiger Eye

Red Tiger Eye -Clarity of vision & thought- A stone for grounding this stone produces soothing vibrations, bringing calm to chaotic situations....




Represents selfless love and compassion. An excellent balancing and healing stone, particularly for healing emotional wounds and to soothe trauma,...




Heals emotional shock and panic while supporting the soul. Builds self confidence and self esteem. Improves energy levels to help with confusion and...


  Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Stone of love and friendship. Promotes love, forgiveness and compassion and creates harmony in relationships. Enhances self-confidence and is helpful...


  Ruby Zoisite (Anyolite)

Ruby Zoisite (Anyolite)

Has the unusual property of promoting individuality while at the same time retaining interconnectedness with the rest of humanity. It can assist to...


  Rutile Quartz

Rutile Quartz

Helps one get to the root of a problem, eases depression and facilitates inspiration. Draws away negative energy, protects against phychic attack....


  Smokey Quartz

Smokey Quartz

Gently dissolves negative energies and emotional blockages clearing away negative thought patterns, anger and resentment. A stone of endurance and...


Units:  30
  Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian -Protection- Helps clear subconscious blocks changing negative unnecessary thought patterns into positive. An excellent protective...




Calms and clears the mind, eases fear and guilt. Enhances communication, creative expression, self-esteem, self acceptance, self-trust and brings...

