Viscum album.   European mistletoe, The Golden bough, Birdlime mistletoe   Family: Loranthaceae  
PART USED: Young leafy twigs collected in spring. N.B. Not the berries.
ODOR: Distinctive
GROUP: The Circulatory System - Herbs for the Heart and Arteries
1. Hypotensive.[1,2,3]
2. Cardiac tonic.[3] Cardiac regulator. Cardiac depressant.[1]
3. Antispasmodic.[3]
4. Sedative,[1,3] nervine.
5. Antineoplastic.[1,2,3]
6. Immunostimulant.[3]
7. Diuretic.
1. High blood pressure.[1,2,3] Nervous tachycardia.[1,2,3] Hypertensive headache.[1] Arteriosclerosis.[1] Angina. Cardiac asthma.
2. Chronic headaches. Hysteria.[1] Anxiety. St. Vitus Dance. Epilepsy. Convulsions. Chorea.[1]
3. Hemoptysis. Asthma. Whooping cough.
4. Cramps. Rheumatism.
5. Gout. Retention of urine. Urinary stones.
6. Dizziness.
7. Mistletoe has been used internally and locally on malignant tumors. Certain cancers.[3]
SPECIFIC INDICATIONS: Arterial hypertension.[1]
CONTRAINDICATIONS-  Large doses are toxic, causing respiratory and cardiac paralysis.
Dried leafy twigs 2-6 g,[1,2,3] or by infusion[1] 1:20 in cold water.[1]
Maceration  2-6 g in  40-120 ml.
Fluid extract  1:1 in 25% alcohol  1-3 ml.[1,3]
Tincture (BPC) 1:5 in 45% alcohol  0.5 ml.[1]

ORIGIN: Europe.
DESCRIPTION: Hemiparasitic, growing on the branches of deciduous tree, such as fruit trees or poplars. Woody, regularly branched, with elliptical, yellowish-green, leathery leaves in pairs. Flowers: four-petalled, followed by sticky, white, globular berries in winter.


Similar plants

The cardiotonic activity is thought to be due to the lignans, which show significant cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitory activity.[1] The polysaccharides stimulate the immune response in mice.[2]
The antineoplatic activity of mistletoe is well documented.[3,4,5,6,7] The viscotoxins bind to DNA and viscumin inhibits protein synthesis,[7] and the alkaloids, wher present, have antileukaemic activity in vitro and in mice.[8] A commercial preparation has been used in Europe to treat several types of cancer. In a study of 50 patients with malignant pleural effusions, the exudation disappeared in a remarkable 92% of patients after 3-4 treatments.[9] In another study on the prophylactic, postoperative treament of carinoma of the bronchial tree, patients showed a significant prolongation of survival time.[10] A group of women with advanced carcinoma of the ovary, treated with a mistletoe preparation, showed much better survival times than a similar group treated with a conventional therapy, despite the less favourable prognosis of the group treated with mistletoe. Side effects were said not to be serious.[11]
[1] Wagner, H. et al. (1986) Planta Med. (2), 102 
[2] Bloksma, N. et al. (1982) Planta Med. 46, 221 
[3] Franz, H. et al. (1981) Biochem. J. 195, 481
[4] Luther, P. et al. (1980) Int. J. Biochem. 11, 429
[5] Woynarvski, J. M. et al. (1980) Hoppe-Seyglers Z. Physiol. Chem. 361 (10), 1525 and 1535
[6] Franz, H. (1985) Pharmazie 40 (2), 97
[7] Stirpe, F. et al. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257 (22), 13271
[8] Kwaja, T. A. et al. (1980) Experientia 36, 599
[9] Salzer, G. and Muller, H. (1978) Prax. Klin. Pneumol. 32 (11), 721
[10] Salzer, G. and Havelec, L. (1978) Onkologie 1 (6), 264
[11] Hassauer, W. et al. (1979) Onkologie 2 (1), 28