Styphnolobium japonicum. formerly Sophora japonica  Japanese pagoda tree    Family: Fabaceae   
It is a popular ornamental tree in Europe, North America and South Africa, grown for its white flowers, borne in late summer after most other flowering trees have long finished flowering. It grows into a lofty tree 10–20 m tall with an equal spread, and produces a fine, dark brown timber.

槐花 Huái huā (Mi)   Dry flower bud    
Sophora flower buds are the unopened flowers harvested in early summer just before the buds begin to open. The inflorescences, or clusters of flowers on stems of secondary branches, are gathered by cutting off the budding branches and removing . Twigs, leaves and other auxiliary plant material are removed and the buds are immediately dried in the sun. The dried flower buds should be undamaged and yellowish green in color.[5]
Nature- cool    FLAVOR: Bitter    CHANNEL: Stomach, Liver, Large Intestine
GROUP: Regulating Blood- Styptic- Cool Blood
1. Cool the Blood,[1,4] and stop bleeding.[1]
2. Clear away Liver Heat and lower blood pressure. Clear away Heat.[4]
3. Clears fevers and moisturises.[1]
1. Bleeding Hemorrhoids.[1,2,3,4] Hematemesis.[1,2,3] Hemafecia.[1,2,3] Hemoptysis. Metrorrhagia.[1,2,3] Epistaxis.[1] Hot symptoms in Large Intestine.[4] Bloody dysentery.[1]
2. Wind Heat: manifesting as red eyes. Hypertension. Wind caused fever, Conjunctivitis, nervous agitation and apprehension, dizziness, moist pruritus of genitals.[1] Bleeding due to Wind heat and Toxic Dampness with abdominal pain and distension.[4]
3. Metrorrhagia.[1]
PREPARATIONS: Decoction  Buds flowers and legumes 4-12 g.[1,4] Up to 30-60 g.[3] Dry flower 4.5-9 g.[2] When roasted, has a much stronger effect.[4]

槐角 Huái jiǎo   Dry ripe fruit    
Nature- cold  FLAVOR: Bitter
1. Clear Heat, cool Blood, arrest bleeding.[2]
1. Discharge of blood from anus due to hot intestine, bleeding piles.[2]
PREPARATIONS: Dry ripe fruit 3-9 g.[2]

ORIGIN: China; despite the botanical name it was introduced in Japan.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.

Good quality Sophora flower buds contain about 20% rutin.[1]