Desmodium styracifolium   Jīn qián cǎo   Gum leaved tick clover  Family: Leguminosae      
Jin qian cao
refers to Lysimachia christinae in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China, but in the West Desmodium styracifolium may be more commonly encountered.[4]
PART USED: Whole plant
Nature: Cool    FLAVOR: Pleasant, light, sweet, tasteless  CHANNELS: Liver, Kidney, Bladder
GROUP: Diuretic
1. Clears fevers.[1,2] Clear Damp Heat.
2. Promotes diuresis.[1] Remove stones-[3] urinary and gall bladder. Beneficial to gall bladder- clears bile duct.[3]
3. Relieves gonorrhea.[1]
1. Urinary stone-[1,2] Boil 60 g and drink 4-5 times a day.[3] Urinary infections, nephritis, edema.
2. Acute and chronic hepatitis.[1] Gall bladder stones.[1] Jaundice, hepatitis.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Dizziness, palpitations due to increased diuretic effect. In this case use Kidney tonic.[3]
PREPARATIONS: Decoction. Whole plant 30-60 g.[1,3] Above ground 15-60 g.[2] 30-60 g.[3]

HABITAT: Found growing wild on hillsides and low-growing thickets in waste places.
DESCRIPTION: Perennial herb. The whole plant covered by downy hairs. Stem; branching or decumbent. Leaves; alternate, 3-compound, the center leaf larger, rounded like a golden coin, apex slightly retuse, base cordate, margins intact. Blooms; in summer-fall, small purplish terminal and axillary flowers, fragrant, forming racemose inflorescences, Legumes; 4-5 noded, covered by fine downy hairs.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.