Cyperus articulatus  Adrue, Jointed flatsedge, Guinea rush   Family: Cyperaceae        
This is a species of sedge. It is widespread across tropical and subptropical regions in Africa, southern Asia, northern Australia, the southeastern United States, the West Indies, and Latin America.
TASTE: Bitter   ODOUR: Aromatic- recalling that of Lavender
1. Anti-emetic. Carmative and sedative.[1]
1. Peptic disorders.[1]
CONSTITUENTS: A sesquiterpene ketone "articulaone" which is identical to cyperone.[2]
PREPARATIONS: Fluid extract: does 0.7-2 ml.[1]

DESCRIPTION: Blackish, top-shaped tubers, with bristly remoains of former leaves, sometimes connected in twos or threes by narrow undergound stems. Transeverse section pale, showing a central column wiht darker vascular bundles.
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