obovata. B. muelleri var pilosus, B. oblongfolia
Wild plum,
Mangkarrba Family: Anacardiaceae
USED: Shredded inner bark and
GROUP: Analgesic
1. Analgesic.
INDICATIONS- External use only
1. Sore eyes- an infusion has been made to rinse out eyes.[1]
2. Toothache- the infusion has been used as a mouthwash- the liquid was always
spat out and never swallowed. Also cavities in aching teeth has been plugged
with soaked and shredded leaves.[1]
PREPARATIONS: The Australian Aborigines prepared a mouthwash
by soaking the shredded inner back and sapwood for three to four hours in water.
After use the liquid was spat out and never swallowed.[1]