Brassica  oleracea   甘 蓝 Gān lán Wild cabbage, Wild mustard  Family: Cruciferae   
There are many groups of vegetables which have originated from the wild species Brassica oleracea and have changed characteristics due to selective breeding. Some of these are kohlrabi, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower.Cabbage- Brassica oleracea var capitata. Cauliflower- Brassica oleracea var botrytis

Nature- neutral     FLAVOR:  Sweet
1. Benefit the Kidney particularly after prolonged consumption, tonify the marrow of brain, benefit the internal organs (Zang), regulate the exterior organs (Fu).[1]
1. General weakness.[1]
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.



Brassica  oleracea var gongyloides    Lán  Kohlrabi
The name comes from the German Kohl ("cabbage") plus Rabi, (Swiss German variant) ("turnip"), because the swollen stem resembles the latter, hence its Austrian name Kohlrübe. Kohlrabi is a very commonly eaten vegetable in German speaking countries.
Nature- neutral    FLAVOR: Bitter, sweet and pungent
1. Detoxicates[2]
1. Indigestion, jaundice, diabetes[2].
2. Alcoholism, nosebleed[1].
PREPARATIONS: Drink fresh kohlrabi juice to stop nosebleed[1].

甘蓝种子  Gānlán zhǒngzǐ   Seeds
- Relieve difficult urination after childbirth and improve eyesight- Crush fresh kohrabi seeds into powder. Take 10 g powder each time, twice a day[2].
- Induce bowel movements and urination- Crush 10 g kohlrabi seeds into powder. Mix with a glass of boiling water. Strain through cheesecloth over a bowl and squeeze out all the liquid. Drink the liquid as tea first thing in the morning[2]

[1] A Complete English Dictionary of Medicinal Terms in Chinese Acupuncture and Herbalism 1981 - Henry Lu Chinese Foundations of Natural Health- The Academy of Oriental Heritage, Vancouver, Canada.
[2] Chinese System of Food Cures Prevention and Remedies. 1986 Lu, Henry. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. New York. USA. Distributed in Australia by Capricorn Book Co. Pty Ltd. Lane Cove, NSW. ISBN 0-8069-6308-5.