Apis cerana- Bee with honey contained in waxApis cerana, A. mellifera    Mì fēng   Bee    

Fēng mì   Honey
Nature- neutral
     FLAVOR: Sweet    CHANNEL: Lung, Spleen, Large Intestine
GROUP: Laxative- Mild
1. Mild descending.
2. Nourish and strengthen the Middle Jiao.[1,2,3] Moisturise the intestine,[1,2,3] and relax the bowels.
3. Nourish the Lung, and relieve cough.
4. Counteract toxic effects.[1,2,3,4]
5. Nourish the body. Water and nourish.
6. Alleviate digestive pain.[4]
7. Lubricates dryness.[4]
1. Dry cough.[4] Chronic cough due to asthenia of viscera, hemoptysis  and sore throat. Dry cough due to dry Lungs. Pulmonary tuberculosis.[4]
2. Constipation-[4] Oral use or as suppository for constipation occurring in the aged and during convalescence, and those with damage of Yin and dryness of the  intestines. Constipation due to dry intestine.
3. Abdominal pain due to Spleen Deficiency, hypochondriac pain due to Liver Deficiency. Recently used as adjuvant for peptic ulcer, chronic hepatitis, heart  disease and neurasthenia attributive to Deficiency conditions. Stomachache.[4]
4. Sinusitis.[4]
5. Neurasthenia.[4] Hypertension.[4] Heart disease.[4] Liver disease.[4]
6. External use for skin infection, burns and skin ulcer.[4] Mouth canker.[4]
7. Counteracting the toxicity of Aconitum and Prepared Aconitum. Monkshood poisoning.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Damp Sputum, abdominal swelling, diarrhea.[1]
PREPARATIONS: Oral use 15-30 g.[1,2]  Mixed with hot water, also for external use.[1]

- Gastric and duodenal ulcers- Steam about half a cup of honey. Eat it all at once on an empty stomach, 3 times a day, for 2 to 3 weeks on end.[4]
- Hypertension, constipation, stomachache, neurasthenia, heart disease, and coronary sclerosis- Mix half a cup honey with warm water and drink once a day.[4]
- Insomnia due to neurasthenia- Drink a cup honey water at bedtime.[4]
- Insomnia, headache, and anemia- Mix 3 large spoonfuls honey in boiling water and drink it in the morning and in the evening, or eat honey at meals with other foods.[4]
- Cracked skin in hemorroids- Using a sterilized cotton ball, externally apply honey to the anus.[4]
- Swelling of the ear- Externally apply.[4]
- Chronic constipation- Mix 2 teaspoonfuls honey with warm water. Drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.[4]
- Hoarseness caused by excessive fatigue but unrealted to common cold- Mix 1 teaspoonful honey with warm water and drink it 3 hours after meals 3 times a day, for 5 consecutive days. Combine with sufficient rest for best results.[4]
Clinical report: For treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers; among 20 cases treated, the ulcer disappeared in 18 and pain decrease in 2; pain was gone as quickly as 6 days and within 22 days on the average. The method of treatment; each day, eat a third cup fresh honey before meals, 3 times a day; after the tenth day, increase the quantity of honey to half a cup each day.[4]
Clinical report: Treatment of acute bacillary dysentery, take 150 g honey each day for adults (divide into 4 reduced dosages for children).
- For treatment of chronic and or temporary constipation in the elderly and in pregant women, take honey first thing in the morning.[4]
- For treatment of hypochromic anemia, take 80-100 g honey each day, divided into 2 dosages; the results show an obvious increase in blood cells and hemoglobin.[4]

蜂 蜡 Fēng là- "Bee wax"   Wax
Nature- slightly warm   FLAVOR: Sweet
1. Constrict, produce muscles, relieve pain.[1]
1. External uses for ulcer that fails to heal for a long time.[1]
PREPARATIONS: Secretion of wax- for external uses.[1]
蜂王浆 Fēng wáng jiāng- "Bee Royal serum" Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in the nutrition of larvae, as well as adult queens. It is secreted from the glands in the hypopharynx of worker bees, and fed to all larvae in the colony.
Cultivation- Royal jelly is secreted from the glands in the heads of worker bees, and is fed to all bee larvae, whether they are destined to become drones (males), workers (sterile females), or queens (fertile females). After three days, the drone and worker larvae are no longer fed with royal jelly, but queen larvae continue to be fed this special substance throughout their development. It is harvested by humans by stimulating colonies with movable frame hives to produce queen bees. Royal jelly is collected from each individual queen cell (honey comb) when the queen larvae are about four days old. It is collected from queen cells because these are the only cells in which large amounts are deposited; when royal jelly is fed to worker larvae, it is fed directly to them, and they consume it as it is produced, while the cells of queen larvae are "stocked" with royal jelly much faster than the larvae can consume it. Therefore, only in queen cells is the harvest of royal jelly practical. A well-managed hive during a season of 5–6 months can produce approximately 500 g of royal jelly. Since the product is perishable, producers must have immediate access to proper cold storage (e.g., a household refrigerator or freezer) in which the royal jelly is stored until it is sold or conveyed to a collection center. Sometimes honey or beeswax are added to the royal jelly, which is thought to aid its preservation[5].
Royal jelly is a modern product not recorded in traditional Chinese diet classics.
1. Promote growth, slow down the aging process. The queen bee is fed Royal jelly and are able to live up to 5 years wheras worker bees can live only 2-4 months. The queen bee also lays 2 500-3 000 ovules that weight more than the queen bee's own body in a laying season[4].
1. Underdevelopment, loss of weight, por appetite.[4]
2. Hepatitis, neurasthenia.[4]
3. Nodular phlegitis, malnutrition.[4]
4. Rheumatoid arhthritis.[4]
5. Anemia, gastic ulcers.[4]
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.