Change yellow discharge decoction 易黃湯 Yì huáng tāng          
GROUP: Stabilize and Bind- Stabilize the Womb
1. Strengthen the kidney and arrest leucorrhea, clear heat and eliminate dampness.
1. Long term vaginal discharge, yellow white leukorrhea, viscous and fishy smelling discharge from the vagina (fishy smelling), pale yellow complexion, dizziness, heaviness in the head, poor appetite, occasional loose stool, delayed menstruation, pale blood Tongue - pale body, thin white coat Pulse - soft, slippery, may be submerged.

Shan Yao 30 g, Shan Yao and Qian Shi: Tonifying the spleen and kidney, inducing astringency and arresting leucorrhea.
Qian Shi 30 g.
Huang Bo 6 g, Clearing heat and drying dampness.
Che Qian Zi 3 g, Clearing heat and inducing diuresis.
Bai Guo 12 g. Astringing to arrest leucorrhea and clearing damp-heat.

Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.


Gordon Euryale seed, Ginkgo nut and Plantain seed