four combination 四物丸
Si wu wan
Group: Tonify 1. Nourishes and quicken the Blood. INDICATIONS
1. Blood deficiency with mild Blood Stagnation: Dizziness, palpitations,
sallow complexion, tinnitus, pale finger nail bed, pale lips, menstrual disorders,
scanty menstrual flow, amenorrhea, dull pain in abdomen T- pale with thin white
coat P- weak or thready APPLICATIONS: Anemia, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, primary
dysmenorrhea, threatened miscarriage, postpartum weakness, insufficient lactation,
urticaria, neurogenic headache. INGREDIENTS Rehmannia glutinosa-
熟地黃 Shú dì huáng- Cooked Rehmannia Paeonia lactiflora- 白芍 Bái sháo- White peony root Angelica polymorpha- 当归 Dāng guī- Angelica Ligusticum chuanxiong- 川芎Chuān
xiōng- Szechuan lovage root, Cnidium CONTRAINDICATIONS: Digestive problems with loose stools COMMENTS : This is the representative formula for tonifying
the Blood and is used in a wide range of problems due to Blood Deficiency and
particularly those relating to menstruation and obstetrics.