Low Back Pain
1. Retention of pathogenic Wind, Cold and Damp in the channels and collaterals.
2. Deficiency of Qi of Kidney.
3. Stagnation of Qi and Blood in the lumbar region due to sprain or contusion.
1. Cold Damp: Low back pain usually occurs after exposure to pathogenic Wind, Cold and Damp. Clinical manifestations are heavy sensation and pain in the dorsolumbar region and stiffness of muscles, limiting extension and flexion of the back.  The pain may reflex downward to the buttocks and lower extremities, and the affected area usually feels cold. Pain becomes intensified in cloudy and rainy day and is not alleviated by bed rest.
2. Deficiency of Qi of Kidney: Onset is insidious, and pain is mild but protracted, with lassitude and weakness of the lumbar region and knee. Symptoms are intensified after strain and stress and alleviated by bed rest.
3. Trauma: The patient has a history of sprain of the lumbar region. Clinical manifestations are rigidity and pain of the lower back. The pain is fixed and aggravated on pressure and turning of the body.
Method: Points are mainly selected from the Du and Urinary Bladder channels to promote the circulation of Qi and Blood, relax the muscles and activate the collaterals. Apply both acupuncture and moxibustion for Cold-Damp type.
In case of deficiency of Qi of Kidney, applying needling with reinforcing method and moxibustion.
For traumatic low back pain, apply needling with reducing method or pricking to cause bleeding.
Shenshu UB 23   Local
Yaoyangguan Du 3   Local
Feiyang UB 58 Luo connecting point of the UB channel - distal point for the treatment of lower back pain. The combination of the above 3 points give the effect of relaxing the soft tissues and activating blood circulation.
For backache due to Cold-Damp- acupuncture and moxbustion are applied to Shenshu UB 23 and Yaoyangguan Du 3 to dispel Cold Damp, warm the channel and promote smooth circulation.
For low back pain due to deficiency of the Qi of the Kidney:
Mingmen Du 4, Zhishi UB 52, Taixi Ki 3- Tonify the essence of the Kidney.
Sprain of the lumbar region:
Renzhong Du 26 Upper treats lower
Weizhong UB 40 Pricking to cause bleeding is an effective method to treat traumatic low back pain and rigidity.