Morning Sickness
    When a woman becomes pregnant the Blood in the uterus which no longer passes from the body during menstruation may become turbid and join with Fire in the Stomach and Liver, rebelling upward. Alternatively, Phlegm and Dampness may obstruct the Stomach such that the Qi of the Organ does not properly descend, causing Stomach upset.
Fire in the Liver and Stomach rebelling upward- pain in the flanks, derpressed feeling in the chest, belching and sighing in discomfort.
Phlegm and Dampness obstucting the Stomach- is evidenced by a feeling of fullness in the chest and obstruction in the stomach. Food seem tasteless. Perhaps palpitations and shortness of breath. T- White greasy coat.
Taichong- Liv 3 Harmonise Liver digestion.
Zusanli- St 36
Gongsun- Sp 4
Neiguan- PC 6
For phlegm; Fenglong- St 40