Diseases of Metal Element = Lung and Large Intestine           
Lung- Fei
1. Rules Qi and Governs Respiration
2. Dispersing and Descending Function
3. Moves and Adjusts the Eater Channels.
4. Rules the Exterior of the Body.
5. Opens into the Nose; Manifests in the Body Hair.

Invasion of Lung by Wind.
Of all the Zang, the Lung is the most sensitive to invasion by external factors; the most important of which are Wind Cold and Wind Heat.
Signs: Itchy throat, cough, headache, fever and chills, sweating, aversion to wind and superficial pulse.

Wind Cold Attacks Lungs
Signs: Chills with low-grade fever.. Aversion to Cold. Cough with expectoration of thin, watery white sputum..  Some or perspiration.Itching or tickling in throat. No thirst. Headache. Blocked and/or running nose with clear, watery nasal discharge.. Sneezing. Aching generally in body. Asthma.. T- Coating thin, white and moist.. P- Superficial and tight..
Treatment: Disperse Wind and Cold.
Lieque Lu 7 Disperses Wind Cold.
Hegu LI 4 Disperses Wind Cold
Waiguan SJ 5 Connecting point of San Jiao and Yang Wei channels, desperses external conditions.
Fengchi- GB 20 Intersection of Gall Bladder and Yang Wei channels, and since Yang Wei controls the external Yang, Fengchi disperses external conditions.
Fengfu- Du 16 Eliminate Wind and external signs and headache.
Fengmen- Bl 12 and Feishu- Bl 13 Strengthens Dispersing and descending functions of Lungs, eliminate Wind and exterior signs.
Fuliu- Ki 7 With LI 4 Causes sweating to aid relief of external conditions.

Wind Heat Attacks Lungs
Signs: Sore, red, swollen throat.. Fever with perspiration. Slight chills. Cough with thick, sticky, yellow sputum. Thirst., with desire to drink cold liquids. Blocked and pehaps running nose with yellow discharge. Fear of wind. Headache. Asthma. Dyspnea with flared nostrils. Chest pain. Dark urine.
T- Red tip, thin yellow coating. P- superficial and rapid.
Treatment: Disperse Wind and Heat.
Points Hegu LI 4 Especially good for dispersing Wind Heat
Lieque- Lu 7 Strengthens dispersing and descending functions of Lungs.
Waiguan- TB 5 Connecting point of San Jiao and Yang Wei channels.
Fengchi- GB 20
Shaoshang Lu 11 Prick to cuase bleeding, to diperse Wind.
Dazhui- Du 14 Relieves Wind and External conditions disperses Heat.
Quchu- Li 11 Disperse external conditions and Heat.

Lung Qi Xu
Causes: Complication of external pathogenic factors. Generalized Qi Xu (whole body being low). Chronic cough. Kidney not grabbing Qi.
Signs: Similar to general Qi Xu because of the close relationship between Lungs and Qi.
Shortness of breath.. Soft weak cough., with clear thin sputum.. Fatigue.. Spontaneous daytime perspiration. Soft weak voice. Reluctance to speak.. Asthma. Pale face.. Lowered resistance to external invasion eg Wind Heat.
The Phlegm is caused by weakness of the Lung function of Dispersing and Descending of Jin Ye, with accumulation of Jin Ye and some condensation into Phlegm.
T- Pale tongue, thin white coating.. P- Weak.
Associated Western conditions: Chronic bronchitis. Emphysema. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Asthma. Allergies.
Treatment Principle: Reinforce Lung. Strengthen Qi.
Points- For any Xu condition the number of points should be kept low. Moxa is useful.
Feishu- Bl 13 Back- Shu point of Lung
Taiyuan- Lu 9 Yuan- Source point.
Zusanli- St 36 Reinforce Middle Jiao.
Shanzhong- Ren 17 Meeting of Zong Qi.

Lung Yin Xu

Yin Xu:
Afternoon fever.. Night perspiration.. Hot sensation in palms and soles.. Malar flush., especially in afternoon. Emaciation.. P- fine rapid. T- red, dry perhaps with dry coat.
Severe dry hacking cough- with little sputum and perphaps hemoptosis. Dry mouth and throat. Itching of throat. Hoarse voice, soft voice or loss of voice.
Dazhui- Du 14  Disperses Heat, reduces fever
Zhongfu- Lu 1  Disperse Fire in Lung
Kongzui- Lu 6  Disperse Fire In Lung
Feishu- Bl 13  Disperse Fire in Lungs
Feshu- Bl 17  Keeps Xue in Xue Mai
YInxi- He 6 Eliminates Heat and reduces night sweats.
Shenmen- He 7 Calms Heat and Shen, ro reduce irritability and insomnia.
Sanyinjiao- Sp 6  Nourish Yin
Taixi- Ki 3  Nourish Yin.

Perverse Dryness attacks Lungs
This is an acute external disharmony.

Dryness in the Lungs
Dry cough with little or no sputum.. Sputum is difficult to expectorate. Hemoptysis. Cough may cause chest pain. Dry throat or sore throat.. Hoarse voice. Dry lips and mouth.. Thirst. Dryness in nose. Epistaxis.
Chills and fever.. Headache.. No perspiration. Dry skin and hair. Constipation.
T- Red tip., thin dry, yellow coating.. P- Floating, may be rapid.

Associated Western conditions: Common Cold, Bronchitis, Pharyngitis.
Herbs: Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang.
Points: Herbs are used more often to treat Dryness. Moisten dryness is a term used in herbs, though not in acupuncture.
Kongqui- Lu 6 Xi- Cleft point on the Lung channel is useful for moistening Lung.

Phlegm- Damp obstructs Lungs
Cough with copious, dilute, white, frothy sputum. Chest congestion with full feeling in chest. Dyspnea which is worse on lying down. Asthma T- coating thick and white, greasy or sticky. P-slippery.

Colon- Da Chang
Recieves the tubid traction of the transformation products of food and fluid from Small Intestine, moves it downward, absorbing water from it, and eliminates the remainder as feaces.

Colon Heat

Stools dry. Knotted constipation. Mouth partched. Sensation of burning heat, swelling and pain of anus. Urine short and dark. T- Dry yellow coating. P- Slippery and rapid.

Damp Heat in Colon
Diarrhea with tenesmus which intensifies after defaecation. Stools are frequent but only small in quantity. Burning hot sensation in anus. Abominal pain. Urine short and red. Sustained fever despite profuse perspiration. Mouth dry but no desire to drink. Body heavy, limbs tired. Fullness in chest and lump in epigastrium. Anorexia. Vomiting T- Red body, yellow greasy coating. P - Slippery and rapid.

Damp Heat leading to intestinal abscess = Appendicitis
Causes: irregular eating habits; imbalance of Cold and Heat in the abdomen, affecting Transformation of Transportation by Pi and Wei, and excess activity too soon after eating. damp Heat accumulates  in the intestines, obstructing movement of Qi and Xue, eventually forming Intestinal Abscess.
Signs: Urgent pain in the lower right abdomen, aggravated by touching, possibly fever, rapid pulse, red tongue and yellow coat.
Treatment: Spread the Qi in the Intestines, and to drain the accumulated Heat.
Lanweixue M-LE-13 Empirical point for appendicitis.