Wood Element = Liver and Gall Bladder       
Liver- Gan

1. Rules Free flowing of Qi for:
    a. Harmony of Emotions.
    b. Harmony of Digestion.
    c. Secretion of Bile.
    d. Harmony of Menstruation.
2. Stores Xue.
3. Rules the Tendons.
4. Opens into the Eyes; Manifests in the Nails. 

Stagnation Qi in Liver- Very common
Causes: . Emotional disharmony, especially depression, frustration, irritability and anger.
Channel- Sighing. Feeling of obstruction in throat like a "plumstone"- becoming worse with emotional upset. Facial color dark and dull. Sensation of distention in hypochondrium and chest. Emaciation. Emotions- Depression, frustration, irritation and anger.
Digestion- Poor appetite, poor digestion, nausea, belching, sour  regurgitation and vomiting, epigastric pain, abdominal distention and pain, borborygmus, loose stools.
Bile- Jaundice, bitter taste, vomiting yellow fluid. Rib pain. P- wiry. T- normal or purplish. 
Treatment: Invigorate Gan Qi, and to disperse stagnation. 
Taichong- Liv 3 Invigorates Liv, and regulates circulation or Qi and Xue; relieves pain.
Xingjian- Liv 2 Cool and harmonise Liv.
Hegu- LI 4 Clears the channels and suppresses pain.
Gongsun Sp 4 Regulates Spleen and Stomach; relieves pain.
Diji- Sp 8 Accumulation point of Spleen; regulated Xue and uterus, especially for dysmenorrhea.
Qimen Liv 14 Especially for pain in hypochondriac and breast region.
Rugen- St 18 Specific for breast problems. 
Herbs: Bie Jia Jian wan- Turtle shell pill.

Stagnation of Qi in Liver channel. 
Causes: Emotional frustration and pressed anger. Sometimes external  perverse Dampness & Heat or inappropriate diet.
Distention and pain in sides, Suffocating sensation in chest, tendency to sigh, melancholy, depression, anxiety, irritability, sudden inappropriate anger. T- scanty white coating. P- wiry.
Associated western medical conditions: Neurosis. Menstrual disorders. Premenstrual tension. Mastitis. Goiter. 
Treatment: Soothe Liver and clear stagnation.
Taichong- Liv 3 Shu- stream, Yuan- source point. Clear Qi obstruction in channel- ribs and  hernia.
Xingian- Liv 2 Cool and Clear Qi obstruction in channel- ribs and hernia.
Zhongfeng- Liv 4 Hernia and lower abdominal pain.
Ligou Liv 5 Irregular menses, hernia.
Qimen- Liv 14 Pain in chest, ribs.
Zhangmen- Liv 13 Pain in chest, ribs. Used for treating blockage in Daimai.
Sanjinjiao- Sp 6 Irregular menses, dymenorrhea, hernia.
Ganshu- Bl 18 Back- Shu point of Liver. Pain in sides, ribs.
Qiuxu- GB 40 Distention & pain in chest & sides, hernia, tendency to sigh.
Foot-Linqi- GB 41 Master point of Daimai. Pain in ribs, distention & pain in breasts, mastitis, menstrual disorders.
Neuguan- PC 6 Suffocating sensation in chest, for melancholy and anxiety. "Plum-stone throat".
Zhigou- SJ 6 Pain in chest and ribs. "Plumstone thoat".
Herbs: Chai Hu Shu Gan San = Bupleurum soothe Liver powder.

Liver Yang Hyperactivity
Deficient Liv Yin- Palms and soles hot, insomnia, dry eyes, spots in visual field, dizziness, dry mouth. Headache- Distending, throbbing headache, especially in temples and/or vertex; tinnitus.
Emotions- Anger and irritability.
Tendons- Numbness, spasm, tremor.
T- Red with little coat, perhaps dry. P- Wiry and rapid. Can be floating if hyperactive Yang predominates.
Treatment: Pacify Liv Yang, and to nourish Liv Yin.
Taichong- Liv 3 Pacify hyperactive Liv Yang. More chronic.
Xingjian- Liv2 Pacify hyperactive Liv Yang. More acute.
Fengchi- GB 20 Pacifies Yang in the head, and benefits the eyes.
Baihui- Du 20 Pacifies Liv, Yang and mind.
Herbs: Long Dan Xie Gan Wan.

Liver Fire Flaring up
Causes: Long term Liver Qi stagnation which transforms into Fire. Excessive smoking and alcohol generate Heat which tranforms into Fire. Extreme emotions transform into Fire.
Full fire- Thirst.. Constipation..-dry stools. Dry mouth. Dark urine. Red face. Red eyes.. Insomnia.. Hemorrhage.
Head- Severe, splitting headaches.. Dizziness. Sudden tinnitus.., or deafness..
Emotions- Violent anger.. Restlessness.
Liver invades Spleen and Stomach- Bitter taste.. Sour regurgitation.. Nausea. Pain in hyperchondrium.
May be pain in ribs.
T- Red tip and edges. Thick, dry, rough, yellow coating. P- wiry rapid and forceful. 
Associated western conditions: Migraine headaches. Essential hypertension. Hemorrhage from upper digestive tract. Acute conjunctivitis. Glaucome. Retinal hemorrhage. Aural vertigo = Meniere's syndrome. Labrynthitis, otitis media.
Xingjian- Liv 2 Rong- Spring point. Drain Liver fire..
Ganshu- Bl 18 Back- shu point for Liver.
Danshu- Bl 19 Back- shu point for Gall Bladder. Reduces fire in Liver & GB.
Head- Wangu- GB 12 Reduces Fire in Live & GB- for insomnia & headache. 
Fengchi- GB 20 Pacifies Liver and Yang and Heat in the Head.
Zanzhu- Bl 2 and Taiyang Bleed these point to disperse Heat locally and pacify mind.
Guangming- GB 37 Reduces Fire in Liver and GB- for eyes.
Yanglingquan- GB 34 Clears Heat from Liver & GB. 
Yongquan- Ki 1 Pacify Fire, strengthen Yin and Calm Shen. Indicated for headache at vertex, vertigo, blurred vision and insanity.
Herbs- Long Dan Xie Gan Wan.

Damp Heat in Liver and GB
Causes: Transformation and Transportation function of Spleen being impaired from external Damp or invasion by Liver leads to formation of internal Damp. Depression of Liver Qi may lead to Damp stagnation producing Heat. This pattern is aggravated by consumption of rich, greasy food and alcohol.
Depression of Liver Qi- Sensations of fullness and pain in ribs on both sides.. Pain in right hypochondrium.. Bitter taste.. "Yang jaundice", sclera and skin bright yellow. Alternating chills and fever.
    In women- vaginal discharge with foul smell. Pruritus vulvae
    In men- pain, swelling and burning sensations of testicles.
Liver Invades Spleen- Loss of appetite., nausea., vomiting sour., abdominal .
Heat- Fever, thirst. Dark urine..
T- Red with greasy yellow coat. P- Wiry, rapid and slippery.
Associated Western conditions: Acute hepatitis. Cholecystitis. Cholelithiasis. Cirrhosis of Liver. acute pancreatitis.
Yanglingquan GB 34- Drain Damp Heat.
Daimai- GB 26 Strengthens Dai Mai and helps to eliminate Damp Heat  tandherefore discharge.
Qihai- Ren 6 Invigorates Qi circulation, reduces stagnation and accumulation of Damp.
Sanjinjiao- Sp 6 Strengthens Spleen and eliminate Damp.
Yinlinguan Sp 9 Strenghtens Spleen to eliminate Damp Heat.
Zhongii Ren 3 Crossing point of Ren and Gan channels.
Ligou Liv 5 Lou- Connecting point of the Gan channel. 

Liver Wind Stirring Internally
Wind is light and yang, and hence affects the upper body. Internal and external Wind share these characteristics, but have very different origins and signs, and do not generally give rise to each other.
    Internal Wind is generally associated with Liver disharmony, since it is sudden, irregular movement, the opposite of the smooth, even flow promoted by the Liver. The disruptive effect of these rapid, abnormal gusts and squalls of movement of the circulation of Qi and Xue, may have drastic consequences, resulting in dizziness or even loss of consciousness. 
There are 3 types of Liver Wind according to cause:
I. Extreme Heat producing Wind.
II. Yin Xu and Hyperactive Yang producing Wind
III. Xue Xu and Liver Xue Xu producing Wind.

I. Extreme Heat
Signs: Severe high fever. Convulsions., rigidity. Neck stiffness. Opisthotonos. Coma. Delirium. Oculogyric crisis. P- Wiry, rapid full. T- Scarlet.
Associated Western conditions: Febrile diseases. Encephatilitis B. Epidemic meningitis.
Treatment Principle: Reduce Heat and pacify Liver wind, using reducing method and the bleeding of certain points. Moxa is contra-indicated.
Fenchi- GB 20 Pacify Yang, Fire and Wind of Liver, and calm the mind.
Taichong- Liv 3 Cool and regulate Fire and Wind of Liver.
Xingjian- Liv 2 Drains Heat from Liver.
Fengfu- Du 16 Pacifies Wind. Clears the mind.
Dazhui- Du 14 Clear Heat. Clears the brain. 
Quche- LI 11 Eliminates Wind & cools Heat.
Renzhong- Du 26 Clears the senses, cools Heat and elminates internal Wind.
Jing- Well points of the six hand channels.
Hegu- LI 4 Clears Heat, and thus relieves muscle spasms.
Baihui- Du 20 Extinguishes Liver Wind.
Herbs: Ling Yang Gou Teng Tang.

II. Yin Xu and Hyperactive Yang producing Wind

Hemiplegia. Dizziness & vertigo. Headache with drawing sensation.  Numbness and tremor of the limbs. Twitching and involuntary writhing of hands & feet. dysphasia. Unsteady gait. Sudden loss of consciousness, mental disorder.
T- Red   P- Wiry, perhaps rapid, fine.
Associated Western conditions: CVA and sequela. Migraine.
Treatment Principle: Nourish Yin, pacify the Liver  & subdue Wind.
Yongquan- Ki 1 Calms Shen, opens the Oficies of the senses.
Fengchi- GB 20, Fengfu- Du 16, Dazhui- Du 14 Pacify Wind, Calm Shen, clear the Brain.
Renzhong- Du 26 Regulates Yin and Yang, opens the ofices of the head to restore consciousness.
Baihui- Du 20 Extinguishes Liver Wind.
Laogong-  PC 8 Cool the Heart and drains Heat.
Xingjian- Liv 2 & Yanglinguan- GB 34 Subdue rising Liver Yang.
Herbs: Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang - Calm Liver, subdue Wind.

III. Xue Xu and Liver Xue Xu producing Wind.
Signs: Heat signs- Usually none.
Tendons- Numbness, trebmling, spasm of head and extremities.
Senses- Blurring of vision, dizziness, aphasia.
T- Pale, dry, no coat. P- Wiry, choppy, thin.
Associated Western conditions: Tics and tremors, especially of eyes and head.
Treatment principles: Nourish Blood & subdue Wind.
Taichong- Liv 3, Fengchi- GB 20, Baihui- GV 20 Pacify Liver and Dispers Wind, expecially in the Head
Sanjinjiao- Sp 6 Nourish Blood.
Hegu- LI 4 Disperses Wind and clears the channels.
Zusanli- St 36, Pishu Bl 20 Strengthen the function of  the Spleen and Stomach to form Xue.
Ganshu- Bl 18 Strengthens Liver.
Danshu- Bl 17 Nourish Blood.
Pishu- Bl 20 Nourish Blood.
Geshu- Bl 17 Nourish Blood.
Fengchi- GB 20 Subdue Wind.
Fengfu- Du 16 Subdue Wind.
Herbs: Si Wu Tang

Liver Blood Xu
Hemorrhage. Chronic disease consumes Blood.
Signs: Pale sickly yellow face.. Pale lips. Blurrred or failing vision.. Spots before eyes.. Dizziness.. Dry eyes.. Pale nail bed.. Brittle nails. Irritability. Easily frightened. Insomnia with much dreaming. Tinnitus. Numbness/weakness of the limbs.. Tremor., spasms., or involuntary movements = chorea. Involuntary shaking of the head. Emaciation. Light menses or amenorrhea: late menses..  T- Pale P- Wiry, Fine. 
Treatment Principle: Nourish Liver and Reinforce Blood.
Ganshu- Bl 18 Back-Shu point of Liver..
Taichong- Liv 3 Yuan- Source point of Liver channel..
Geshu- Bl 17 Meeting point for Blood. More for Blood stagnation than Blood Xu- but does treat dried Blood.
Pishu- Bl 20 Back- Shu point fo Spleen which is major source of Blood production..
Sanyinjiao- Sp 6 Benefits Spleen & Kidney.
Guan yuan- Ren 4 Major point for nourishing.
Zusanli- St 36 Reinforces Spleen and Stomach..
Guangming- GB 37 Regulates Liver, clears vision.
Herbs: Bu Gan Tan, Si Wu Tang, Qi Ju Hua Huang Wan.

Liver Yin Xu
Causes: Kidney Yin Xu due to Ki Jing insufficiency. Liver Blood Xu- Blood does not nourish Yin. Chronic Illness.
Signs: Dizziness. Blurred vision. Impaired vision. Dry eyes. Night blindness. Tinnitus. Headache. Nervousness. Insomnia with much dreaming. Dry throat. Thirst. Five Heart Hot- Palms soldes and centre of chest. Night sweats. Menses light of late. Ammenoorhea.  T- Red with little coating. P- wiry, fine and rapid. 
Associated Western conditions: Neurosis. Essential hypertension. Anicteric hepatitis. Menopause syndrome. Menstrual disorders. Chronic eye disease.
Treatment principle: Nourish Yin and Nourish Liver.
Ganshu- Bl 18 Back- Shu point for Liver.
Shenshu- Bl 23 Back- Shu point for Kidney- since Kidney Yin is the source of Liver Yin.
Taichong- Liv 3 Yuan-source point.
Taixi- Ki 3 Yuan- source point. 
Herbs: Yi Guan Jian.

Gall Bladder- Dan
Functions: Similar to Liver. Gall bladder stores bile, a pure fluid produced in the Liver to be released periodically into the Small Intestine.

Gall Bladder Empty Heat
Causes: Phlegm Heat causes internal disturbance; GB fails to dredge and purge, Stomach fails to harmonize, to descend and transport.
Signs: Liver signs- Dizziness.. Blurred vision.. Bitter taste in the mouth. Nausea. Vomiting. Agitation, restlessness, irritability. Frequent sighing. Suffocation sensations in chest.
Empty signs- Palpitations with anxiety. Insomnia.
GB signs- Suspiciousness.. Anxiety. Timidity. Easily startled. Indecision. 
T- Yellow greasy or thin white coating. P- Wiry and  fine. Rapid.