The condition is related to an imbalance of the yIn and Yang aspectos of the Kidney Liver, or to an over-abundance of Phlegm and Dampness.
The Liver is dependent on the Kidney Yin to "moisten and soften" it. If  the Kidney Yin becomes deficient, it may cause the Liver Yang to grow excessive, which in turn may further exhaust the Kidney Yin. If the imbalance continues to escalate in this manner, the Liver Yang excess generates fire, which may stir up interior Wind.  Unless held in check, the condition known as "penetrating Wind" or stoke, may ultimately result.
The condition of excessive Liver Yang is associated with such symptoms as headache, dizziness, insomnia and tinnitus and is often accompanied by the appearance of Phlegm. Because of the mutual dependency of Yin and Yang, should the Yin functions be adversely affected as described above, the Yang functions may soon follow, leaving both Yin and Yang in a deficient state.
What in Western medicine is called hypertension usually corresponds to one of the five distinct patterns in TCM.
1. Liver Fire rising: Headache, irritability, occasional stiffness in the neck, flushed face, red eyes, dry mouth, constipation. T- yellow coat. P- Wiry, rapid.
2. Yin Xu/Yang Shi. Dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, a sensation of weakness and irritability in the Heart, insomnia, excessive dreaming, numb sensation in the limbs. T- Red  P- Wiry fine rapid.
3. Obstruction of Phlegm and Dampness. Congested feeling in the chest, palpitations, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, limbs heavy and numb with clumsy heavy movement, T-greasy  P- Wiry slippery
4. Interior movement of Liver Wind: Severe headache and dizziness, fainting, asphasia, convulsions, stroke.
5. Yin and Yang Deficient: Dizziness, shortness of breath, tinnitus, mental fatigue, numbness in feet and hands, legs weak, frequent urination, impotence. T-Pale P- sunken, fine.
GB 20-Fengchi Clears out excessive Yang
LI 11- Quche
St 36 Zusanli    Both drain excessive Yang from the Yang channels
Li 3- Taichong Balances the forces of the Liver and extinguishes Liver Wind
Li 2- Xingjian contain Fire of Liver and GB.
TB 17 Yifeng   contain excess
H 7 Shenmen
Sp 6 - Sanyinjiao intersection of three Yin of the leg- strengthen and regulate these channels.
Ki 3- Taixi for Ki Xu.
GB 34- Yanglingquan
Sp 9- Yinlingquan
St 40 Fenglong for Phlegm and Dampness
PC 6- Neiguan
CV 4 Guanyuan
CV 6- Qihai can apply moxa for deficient Yang.

Advice: The patient should avoid emotional excitement. If he or she has little physical activity, approprieate physical excercise should be encouraged.