Causative factors:
1. Accumulation of Damp Heat due to retention of food in the intestines.                                 2. Stagnation of Qi and Blood due to exposure to extreme heat or cold.
In acute cases the onset is marked by chills and fever, irritability, nausea, abdominal pain with tenderness and aggravated on coughing or sneezing and flexing the right leg. The pain finally localizes in the right lower abdomen. There is constipation, T- thick sticky coated P- wiry rapid.
Method: To disperse Damp Heat by puncturing with reducing method with point of the Yangming Channels as the main points. Retain needles for a prolonged period ranging from half an hour to 2 hours, manipulate every ten minutes, and treat every 6-8 hours. When symptoms and signs are alleviated, treatment may be given once daily with needles retained for 30 minutes.
Lanwei- Extra point- 2 cun below Zusanli- St 36 An empirical point. 
Shangjuxu- St 37 Inferior He-sea point of the LI.
    Both Lanwei and Shangjuxu are tender in appendicitis.
Quchi LI 11- the He-sea point of the LI channel, is also effective in eliminating Heat.
Tianshu- St 25- Front Mu point of the LI- removes obstruction and Damp Heat from the intestines and subsequently relieves abdominal pain.
Secondary Points-
Fever: Dazhui- GV 14, Hegu- LI 4 both allay inflammation.
Vomiting: Neiguan- P 6, Zhongwan CV 12 pacify the stomach and check vomiting.
Treatment is given once daily or every other day. Moxibustion may be applied at local points.
If perforation is suspected, other therapeutic measures should be used.