+Bach Flowers          

The list below is intended as an aid to memory and for general enlightenment. For deeper understanding and explanations that are important to successful use of the Remedies, it is essential to study books on the subject, especially "Twelve Healers" which offers Dr Bach's original descriptions.

1. Agrimony- Those who hide worries behind a brave face.
2. Aspen- Apprehension for no known reason.
3. Beech- Critical and intolerant of others.
4. Centaury- Weak willed, exploited or imposed upon.
5. Cerato- Those who doubt their own judgment, seeks confirmation of others.
6. Cherry Plum- Uncontrolled, irrational thoughts.
7. Chestnut Bud- Refuses to learn by experience – continually repeats same mistakes.
8. Chicory- Over possessive – (self-centred) – clinging and over-protective especially of loved ones.
9. Clematis- Inattentive, dreamy, absent-minded, mental escapism.
10. Crab Apple- The ‘Cleanser’. Self disgust/detestation. Ashamed of ailments.
11. Elm- Overwhelmed by inadequacy and responsibility.
12. Gentian- Despondency.
13. Gorse- Pessimism, Defeatism, ‘oh what’s the use!’
14. Heather- Talkative, (obsessed with own troubles and experiences).
15. Holly- Hatred, Envy, Jealousy, Suspicion.
16. Honeysuckle- Living in the past – nostalgic. Home sickness.
17. Hornbeam- ‘Monday morning’ feeling – procrastination.
18. Impatiens- Impatience, irritability.
19. Larch- Lack of self-confidence, feels inferior. Feels failure.
20. Mimulus- Fear of known things. Shyness, timidity.
21. Mustard- ‘Dark cloud’ that descends, making one saddened and low for no known reason.
22. Oak- Normally strong/courageous, but no longer able to struggle bravely against illness and/or adversity.
23. Olive- Fatigued – drained of energy.
24. Pine- Guilt complex – blames self even for mistakes of others. Always apologizing.
25. Red Chestnut- Obsessed by care and concern for others.
26. Rock Rose- Suddenly alarmed, scared, panicky.
27. Rock Water- Rigid minded, self denying.
28. Scleranthus- Uncertainty/indecision/vacillation. Fluctuating moods.
29. Star of Bethlehem- For all the effects of serious news, or fright following an accident, etc.
30. Sweet Chestnut- Utter dejection, bleak outlook.
31. Vervain- Over-enthusiasm – fanatical beliefs.
32. Vine- Dominating/inflexible/tyrannical/autocratic/arrogant. Usually good leaders.
33. Walnut- Assists in adjustment to transition or change, e.g. puberty, menopause, divorce, new surroundings.
34. Water Violet- Proud, reserved, enjoys being alone.
35. White Chestnut- Persistent unwanted thoughts. Pre-occupation with some worry or episode. Mental arguments.
36. Wild Oat- Helps determine one’s intended path in life.
37. Wild Rose- Resignation, apathy.
38. Willow- Resentment, embitterment, ‘poor old me!’
39. RESCUE REMEDY- A combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem. All purpose emergency composite for effects of anguish, examinations, going to the dentist, etc. Comforting, calming and reassuring to those distressed by startling experiences.

More information gained .... over the years.


These people appear cheerful, jovial and uncomplaining.

They hide their mental torment behind this mask.

May be restless and seek excitement to overcome this.

May use drugs and alcohol to dull the pain.

Taking the Bach flower may help to transcend these feelings so real peace can be found.


For those who are critical, dissatisfied, intolerant, unsympathetic.

Only see the negative side of things.

The tension often affects upper chest, jaw and hands.

Taking the Bach flower may help with gaining compassion and tolerance.


Timid, quiet, kind, gentle people who are anxious to please.

These qualities can mean they become submissive and exploited.

Shoulders and back are often affected.

Taking the Bach flower may help with gaining and ability to trust and follow their own instincts.

May lead to self determination and decisive actions.


For those that doubt their own abilities and are always asking advice.

Can be easily led astray,

Taking the Bach flower may give one faith in their own judgment.


May feel desperation and an inability to control negative thoughts and feelings. There is a fear of losing control and suicidal feelings may be felt.

Taking the Bach Flower encourages strength and feelings of safety.

A crisis is too good an opportunity to miss.


These folk do not learn from experience, repeating the same mistakes over and over, always looking ahead and failing to see what is happening in the moment.

Taking the Bach Flower may help to observe, remember and make connections which help us to make sense of life and formulate wise responses.


For those that feel empty inside and become manipulative and possessive to get the attention they crave. They dislike being alone. Can apply to the "mothering type" and for children who demand attention.

Taking a Bach flower may help nourish by instilling feelings of love and security.


For dreamers who are absent minded, lacking concentration, dreamy, preferring dreams and fantasy to reality. May be very sensitive to noise, prone to drowsiness and crave excessive sleep.

Taking a Bach Flower may help to transform ideas and visions into actuality and in the present, creating an interesting and fulfilling life.


A cleansing remedy for those feeling unclean. For those who feel repelled by what is seen bad in them and the environment.

Taking a Bach flower may enable us to process impurities and negativity and create sensible, realistic priorities.


For capable people who shoulder responsibility and take on demanding tasks making them exhausted, overwhelmed and temporarily inadequate.

Taking a Bach flower may help to allow others to handle excess responsibility so you are free to enjoy what you are doing.


Easily discouraged by difficulties and doubt in their ability to succeed. Negative attitudes lead to feelings of fatigue, disappointment, gloom and sadness.

Taking a Bach flower may encourage perseverance and the realisation that we cannot fail when our goal is to learn more about ourselves and the nature of life.


For times when life seems a misery, bringing hopelessness and despair. Resignation to the feeling that nothing can be done to help and any attempt

would be futile.

Taking a Bach flower may help to heal the inner will to see light in the darkness and to embrace suffering as a positive aid to self realization.


For those who feel needy and greedy for the attention of others. Are obsessed with their own affairs, constantly chattering and unable to be alone. Seek sympathy,

are self centred and are over concerned with themselves, lacking interest in others and prone to hypochondria.

Hmmm if you are doing this for yourself I wonder how many of you would recognise these traits!

Taking a Bach flower may allows you to stand alone and find a wider less self-centred view of life.


When one finds themselves enveloped in negative and aggressive emotions such as anger, jealousy, bitterness, envy, rage, suspicion, revenge, hatred and frustration.

Taking a Bach Flower may encourage the ability to show goodwill and love towards others in the awareness that what enhances us, enhances all.


When experiencing nostalgia, being stuck in grief, regrets and memories of the past. For homesickness.

Taking a Bach flower may help us to live in the moment using past experiences as a guide. Rekindles interest in life.


Temporary feelings of being overwhelmed, Mental and/or physical weariness, lack of energy, boredom, inability to get up in the morning and face the day. For convalescents.

Taking a Bach flower may encourage a balanced lifestyle which is stimulating enough to allow inspiration to flow.


Impatient people who are driven by urgency and hastiness. They may act impulsively and are critical of others who cannot keep up with their pace.

Taking a Bach flower may help release pent up tension and encourage patience to enjoy being as well as doing.


Lack of confidence, self doubt, feeling inferior, expecting failure. Procrastinates.

Taking a Bach flower may help build confidence and self assurance.


Fear of the known - illness, death, being alone. Often undisclosed due to shyness.

Taking a Bach flower may allow to value our sensitivity and have the strength and courage to enjoy life.


Overwhelming black clouds of depression of unknown origin causing deep sadness. May lift as unexpectedly as it descends.

Taking a Bach flower may bring the realisation that every day is an opportunity to get more deeply in touch with ourselves. Helps in preparation for new growth.


Strong, reliable, responsible people who shoulder burdens without complaining. They have the tendency to take on more than they can manage, leading to exhaustion. Find ill health very frustrating as it imposes limitations.

Taking A Bach flower may help with flexibility and the ability to accept own limitations. The belief of moderation in all things may emerge.


Total mental and physical exhaustion after prolonged illness or personal conflict. Useful during convalescence, overwork, over worrying, crises eg divorce.

Taking a Bach flower may help to gain knowledge of what is the cause of the exhaustion. May help to bring trust in life to provide strength needed for peace of mind.


For those that take the blame for other's actions. Feel continual guilt and self reproach, are self critical, over conscientious and constantly striving.

Taking a Bach flower may allow forgiveness of shortcomings, releases responsibility and brings understanding and acceptance of the human condition.


For those who are fearful and anxious for the welfare of loved ones, always imagining the worst. Overly concerned about world problems and project the anxiety onto others.

Taking a Bach flower may help to develop trust and calm confidence in the ability of others to look after themselves.


For fear, panic, paralysed by terror and hysteria due to an emergency, sudden illness, accidents. Can be used for those who have nightmares.

Taking a Bach flower may help bring calm so you can respond appropriately to problems.


For those with rigid outlooks - being hard on oneself and others. For those who are fanatical and prone to obsession.

Taking a Bach flower facilitates open flexibility and a sense of balance in your approach to life.


For indecision, mood swings, lack of concentration, restlessness, problems with making oneself understood. For those prone to travel sickness.

Taking a Bach flower may help to discover balance in our life so we become more clear and decisive.


For all forms of shock - sudden, traumatic, from the past.

Taking a Bach flower may help to clear shook from the system bringing a feeling of being centred, soothed and comforted.


For anguish and despair, feeling at limits of endurance, that nothing is left.

Taking a Bach flower may help reveal the light at the end of the tunnel, restoring hope and an awareness that troubled times have a purpose. In every crisis there is an opportunity. We must experience the dark to appreciate the light.


For those forceful in their beliefs, trying to convert others by imposing their will and ideas. For those who argumentative and strong willed setting up a stress pattern for physical tension -muscular aches, headaches, eyestrain, exhaustion.

Taking a Bach flower may help to release the stress pattern and built up tension, enabling one to relax and let others lead their own life.


For self assured, proud, dominating, bossy people who use their authority to gain power. They can be ruthless in pursuing their goals. May be prone to high blood pressure and back problems.

Taking a Bach flower brings flexibility, allowing one to use our leadership skills in a more positive way.


For protection from outside influences and for major life changes eg puberty, moving, divorce.

Taking a Bach flower may help to break with the old and establish positive new patterns.


For loners who retreat and isolate themselves, appearing aloof and shy. Self-reliance and contained they can appear condescending and are intolerant of interference. Prone to physical tension, manifesting in stiffness and rigidity.

Taking a Bach flower may help to bring to bring the ability to ask for help when needed. Allows to appreciate and enjoy others.


For persistant unwanted thoughts, restless mental chatter, insomnia and worry.

Taking a Bach flower may help to quieten and calm mental processes, allowing the mind to function clearly and efficiently.


For feeling uncertain of one's direction in life. Unfulfilled ambitions, frustration and boredom.

Taking a Bach flower may give knowledge of and clarity to one's purpose in life.


For resignation and apathy, unable to take an interest and more an effort. Pessimistic attitude and lacking vitality.

Taking a Bach flower may restore motivation, creativity and energy. Rekindles enthusiasm.


For resentment and bitterness, blaming others, feeling hard done by, being self-centred and self pitying, bearing grudges, feeling wronged. Often linked to arthritic problems.

Taking a Bach flower may bring the ability to take full responsibility in order to make a fresh start. Cultivates optimism and a sunnier disposition.