Patterns of Disharmony of the Eight Principles
The Eight Principles are four pairs of polar opposites


Yin and Yang is the basis of Chinese Medicine, so the eight principles for the classification of patterns of disharmony are Yin and Yang, with three subdivisions Internal and External, Cold and Heat and Deficiency and Excess.

Interior and Exterior
These two polarities relate to the depth of the disease.
Exterior diseases relate to the surface layers of the Body, and tend to move inward into the Body. Internal diseases relate to the interior of the Body, and may originate at these deeper levels, or be a worsening of an exterior disease.
Exterior diseases are generally associated with the invasion of the body by one or more of the External Pathogenic Factors. Such patterns are generally acute, of sudden onset and short duration Signs: aversion to wind and cold, fever and chills, headache, nasal congestion, sore or itchy throat, and P- superficial.
Interior patterns are generally more serious and chronic, of more gradual onset, and last longer.
Signs: if there is a fever, it is generally high, with no fear of cold or wind. There may be vomiting, and changes in urine and stool, deeper pulse, and changes in the body of the tongue in addition to changes in tongue coat.

Cold and Heat
Patterns of Cold may be associated with invasion of the Body by external Pathogenic factors such  as Cold, Wind and Damp, or they may relate to internal patterns such as Deficient Yang of Deficient Qi of the Body in general, or of certain organ systems in particular.
Patterns of Heat may accompany invasion by external Pathogenic factors as Heat, Summer Heat, Wind, Dryness and Damp, or arise by transformation in the Body of such External factors as Wind and cold; or relate to internal patterns such as Deficient Yin, or Damp Heat.
Signs of Cold: Cold limbs, aversion to Cold, white face, clear copious secretions and urine, watery stool, lack of thirst, slow movement, P- slow tight T- Pale with white coat.
Signs of Heat: generally the opposite affect to that of Cold: Hot red skin, aversion to heat, reduced secretion and urine, constipation, thirst, excitability, rapid movement, P- rapid, T - red with yellow
coat. Discomfort is generally increased by heat and reduced by cold.

Deficiency and Excess
Deficiency usually refers to chronic internal patterns associated with Deficiency of one or more of the Substances, and of one or more of the Zang Fu. So Deficiency patterns will have an underlying weak an emptiness regardless of whether the Deficiency is predominantly Yin or Yang. In Deficiency, the antipathogenic factors are generally weak, and the pathogenic factors well established in the Body.
Excess may refer to invasion of the body by External Disease Factors, when the struggle between the pathogenic and antipathogenic factors is strong because the antipathogenic factors are not yet impaired. Excess may also refer to over activity of one refer to over activity of one of more Zang Fu; or it may refer to local obstruction with associated local accumulation of Qi, Xue of Jin Ye.
General Deficiency is more likely to be chronic, with weakness and tiredness or inconsistent energy, weak or inconsistent voice, breathing and movements, P- weak, empty,  T- little or no coat.
General Excess is more likely to be acute, with heavy forceful voice, breathing and movements, discomfort aggravated by pressure, P- strong, full, T- thick coat.

often chronic, with more gradual onset and long duration, and more changes in urine and stools, fever- if present may be severe, with no aversion to cold
changes in body and coat
often acute, with more sudden onset and shorter duration, and less changes in urine and stool, fever and chills, with aversion to wind cold or heat.
changes in coat
aversion to cold, cold limbs, white face, slow movement, quiet behavior, no thirst, no perspiration, copious clear urine, diarrhea
slow, tight
white coat, perhaps pale body
aversion to heat, hot red skin, rapid movement, excitability, thirst, perspiration, dark urine, constipation
yellow coat, perhaps red body
often chronic, with tiredness and weak voice, breathing and movements, discomfort often relieved by pressure
little or no coat
often acute, with loud coarse voice, heavy breathing and movements, discomfort often aggravated by pressure
thick coat

Deficiency syndromes
Excess syndromes
Long-standing disease, listlessness, pallor, apathy, lying with the body curled up, feeble breathing, palpitation, shortness of breath, tinnitus, blurring of vision, insomnia, poor memory, spontaneous sweating, night sweating, nocturnal emission, enuresis, pain relieved by pressure, loose stools, clear urine increeased in volume. P- Deficiency type. T- pale with thin coating
Recent disease, elation, red face, restlessness, sonorous voice, coarse breathing, fullness and distension in the chest and abdomen, abdominal pain aggravated by pressure, constipation or tenesmus, painful or difficult urination.  P- Excess type. T- red body with thick coating

Signs of Disharmony of Yin and Yang
Type of Sign
Yin dominance
Yang dominance
pale face, feels cold, aversion to cold, discomfort relieved by warmth and by pressure, no thirst or preference for warm drinks
red face, feels hot aversion to heat and pressure thirst and preferences for cool drinks
tired, weak
forceful, restless
under active, quiet, withdrawn
overactive, noisy, outgoing
breathing and voice
weak shallow breathing, weak voice
deep heavy breathing, loud coarse voice
reduced appetite, abdominal distension
increased appetite, burring pain in epigrastrium
copious clear urine, diarrhea
scanty dark urine, constipation
sexually underactive, scanty pale menses, white leucorrhea
sexually overactive, profuce red menses, yellow leucorrhea
deep, slow, empty
superficial, rapid, full
pale body: moist, thin white coat
red body, dry thick yellow coat