Litchi chinensis. Nephilium litchi      荔 枝 Lì zhī    Lychee, Litchi  Family: Sapindaceae            

荔 枝 果 实 Lì zhī guǒ shí  Lychee Fruit       
Nature- warm FLAVOR: Sweet and sour CHANNELS: Spleen and Liver
1. Produces fluids. Stimulates energy.[3]
2. Relieves pain.[3]
1. Hiccupping, Stomachache, diarrhea, asthma, hernia pain.[3]
PREPARATIONS: Commonly eaten fruit. Dried lychees are widely used in the Chinese diet; prepared by drying in the sun.

- Improve physical condition after a prolonged illness- Eat 60 to 150 g fresh lychees.[3]
- Cure chronic diarrhea- Boil 30-60 g dried lychees and 5 dried red dates with adequate water. Drink the soup twice a day.[3]
- Cure asthma- Steam 120 g dried lychees and eat once a day.[3]
荔 枝 核   Lì zhī hé    Lychee  Seeds         
Nature: Warm    FLAVOR:  Sweet-sour, sweet slightly bitter, Acrid, pleasant   CHANNEL:  Spleen, Liver
1. Regulate energy.[2] Warms the Zhong jiao and corrects Energy balance.[1]
2. Produce fluids, strengthen Blood, relieve pain.[2]
3. Dispels Cold and alleviates pain.[1,2]
1. Mental depression, thirst, hiccup, stomach ache, scrofula, malignant boil with swelling, toothache, bleeding due to external injuries.[2]
2. Hernial pain, swelling and pain in testes.[2] Abdominal and gastric pain, pain due to hernia, and "pins and needle pain", experienced by anemic women.[1]
CONTRAINDICATIONS Yin deficiency, Fire abundance.[2]
PREPARATIONS: Boil or immerse in wine or keep in mouth like gum.[2] Dry ripe seed 4-9 g.[2] Decoction- Seeds 4-12 g.[1]
- Stomachache and abdominal pain- Drush 30 g dried lychee seeds; boil in water with 6 g fresh ginger or dried orange peels. Drink it once a day.[3]
- Relieve hernial pain, elephantiasis, hydrocele of tunica vaginalis, and swelling and pain in the testes.[3]

Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally

Seeds contain saponin ( 1.12% ) , tannins (3.43 %) and a - methylenecycyclopropyl glycine and isolated the trace volatile oil , which contains 3 - acetoin ,2,3- butanediol, copaene, cis - caryophyllene , allo - aromadendrene , humulene, δδ-cadinene, a-curcumene, calamenene, ledol, guaiazulene, xanthorrhizol and palmitic acid .

Effects of Litchi chinensis Seed Saponins on Inhibiting Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands and Influence on Signaling Pathway of Estrogen in Rats. [Article in Chinese]
Lin N, Qiu YW, He GY, Guan N.
To discuss the role of Litchi chinensis seed saponins on hyperplasia of mammary glands(HMG) and the influence of estrogen signaling pathways in rats.
In addition to eight non-pregnant female SD rats in normal control group, the other 32 pathologic models of HMG rat model were randomly divided into other four groups: model control group, low and high dose groups, which were given experimental drug of Litchi chinensis seed saponins (LSE) 0. 1 g/kg and 0. 2 g/kg, and the positive control group with experimental drug of tamoxifen 4 mg/kg. Then all model rats were orally administrated for four weeks. The diameter and height of nipple were measured, and the content changes of estradiol(E2) and progestrogen(P) in serum were detected with ELISA method. The HMG were detected by the morphology examination. The expression of estrogen receptor(ER) and progesterone receptor(PR) in the mammary glands were investigated by immunohistochemical staining.
According to LSE in the low and high dose groups, it was discovered that the nipple diameter and height of HMG rats, the expression of ER and PR in HMG and the content of serum E2 were reduced, the content of serum P were improved, and the hyperplasia of mammary glands was inhibited.
LSE can obviously inhibit the rat hyperplasia of mammary gland, and its possible mechanism is related to adjusting the transduction pathway of estrogen signal to lower estrogen levels.
PMID: 26672351 Zhong Yao Cai. 2015 Apr;38(4):798-802.