Ficaria verna- formerly Ranunculus ficaria, Ficaria ranunculoides   Lesser celandine, Pilewort   Family: Ranunculaceae   
PART USED: Dried herb
TASTE: Slightly bitter   ODOR: Slight.
1. Astringent.[1] Antihemorrhoidal.[1,2]
Locally- Demulcent.[1]
Generally applied externally to Hemorroids.[1,2]
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contact with damaged or crushed Ficaria leaves can cause itching, rashes or blistering on the skin or mucosa.[3]
SPECIFIC INDICATIONS: Internal or prolapsed piles- by topical application or as suppository.[1]
- Hemorrhoids, use with Greater Plantain and Calendula.
- As suppository, use with Witch hazel.
Dried plant  2-5 g or by infusion.[1]
Liquid extract 1:1 in 25% alcohol  2-5 ml.[1,2]
Ointment 30% fresh plant 3% in suitable base.
Pile ointment (BPC1934) 30% fresh plant in benzoinated lard.[1]
Suppositories (BHP1934).[1]

ORIGIN: Great Britain. Europe and West Asia.
DESCRIPTION: A common spring flowering perennial herb. Leaves; mostly radical, the petioles up to about 15 cm long, the lamina up to 4 cm long and 5 cm broad, ovate, cordate or reniform. Flowers soliary, on long peduncles, bright yellow with three sepals and 8-12 lanceolate petals each with a nectary at the base. Roots fleshy, oblong, or club-shaped, up to about 3 cm long. Roots; some enlarge to form tubercles which are acrid and bitter.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.



The saponins have a local antihaemorrhoidal effect, which is increased by the astringency of the tannins.[1] The saponins are also antifungicidal.[2]
Protoanemonin has antibiotic activity, however it easily dimerizes to anemonin which is inactive.[2]
[1] Pourrat, H. and Pourrat, A. (1966) Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. 2410
[2] Pourrat, H. et al. (1982) Ann. Pharm. Fr. 40, 373
[3] Tschersche, R. in "Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry", Ed. H. Wagner and Horhammer, Pub. Springer-Verlag (1971)