Euchresta japonica.     Shān dòu gēn   Family: Fabaceae     
Chinese characters also the same as for Sophora tonkinensis
Nature- cold  FLAVOR: Bitter
1. Lowers fever and detoxifies.[1]
1. Sore throat, toothache and tooth abscesses, hemorrhoids, boils and abscesses.[1]
PREPARATIONS: Decoction. 4-9 g for each dose. For external purposes, a suitable amount may be used.[1]

DESCRIPTION: Shrub. Leaves alternate, leaflets 3-7, entire, underside usually pubescent or hairy, lateral veins often inconspicuous. Racemes , calyx membranous, campanulate or tubular, base slightly saccate, margin usually 5-lobed, calyx teeth short; corolla protruding from calyx, usually white, wing and keel petals with petioles; stamens (9+ 1) Two bodies, anthers dorsal; ovary with long stalk, 1-2 ovules, 1 style, linear; pods drupe-like, swollen, indehiscent, oval, thin husk, usually bright black, with fruit neck, There is 1 seed; the seed has no caruncle, no endosperm, and the seed coat is white and membranous.
[1] Barefoot Doctor's Manual- 1977 Prepared by the Revolutionary Health Committee of Hunan Province. Original Chinese manual- Victor W. Sidel. Originally published by Dr Joseph Quin and the Fogarty International centre, Bethdesda (1974). Madrona Publishers Seattle Washington ISBN 0-914842-52-8
1. Retrieved 8-Aug-14
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