Chelone glabraBalmony,   Family: Plantaginaceae    
PART USED: Arial parts- collected during flowering and fruiting period
TASTE: Very bitter   ODOR: Slightly tea-like
GROUP: Hepatics and Cholagogues
1. Cholagogue.[1]
2. Laxative.[1,2,3]
3. Bitter tonic.
4. Anti-emetic.[1]
5. Antidepressant.[1]
1. Anorexia.[1,2] Dyspepsia. Intestinal colic.[1] Constipation. Worms
2. Gall stones with jaundice.[1,2] Cholecystitis.[1,2] Liver disorders.
3. Mastitis.
4. Skin ulcers.
5. Debility.
SPECIFIC INDICATIONS: Gall-stones with jaundice.[1]
- Constipation, with Juglans.
- Hepatic jaundice, with Gentian and Golden Seal.
Dried herb  1-2 g.[1] 0.5-1 g.[3]
Infusion  1-2 g  in  20-40 ml of water.
Fluid Extract  1:1 in 25% alcohol  2-4 ml.[1,3]
Tincture  1: 10 in 45%  1-2 ml.[1,2]
Local- Ointment.

ORIGIN: Native to North America.
DESCRIPTION: Leaves; opposite, oblong-lanceolate, with a short stalk. Flowers and fruits crowded in a short spike. Seeds; circular, winged, with a dark centre.
Inner Path can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally
Resin. Bitters.