Fritillaria & Ophiopogon 養陰清肺丸 Yang yin qing fei wan    
GROUP: Clear Heat 
1. Nourishes the Yin, clears Lung Heat and alleviates cough, cools the Blood and resolves Toxicity.
1. Yin Deficiency with Heat:
sore and swollen throat, dryness of mouth, lips and inside the nose, fever, red cheeks, cough or absence of cough T- red body with little coating P- rapid or thready and rapid.
Diptheria, chronic laryingitis, tuberculosis, tonsilitis
Rehmannia glutinosa- 生地黃 Shēng dì huáng- Fresh rehmannia
Paeonia rubra- 赤芍 Chì sháo- Red peony
Ophiopogon japonicus 麦门冬 Mài mén dōng- Lilyturf root
Fritillaria cirrhosa- 川贝母  Chuān Bèi Mǔ- Sichuan fritillaria bulb
Scrophularia ningpoensis- 玄参 Xuán shēn- Ningpo figwort
Glycyrrhiza uralensis-甘草 Gān cǎo- Chinese licorice
Paeonia suffruticosa- 牡丹皮 Mǔ dān pí- Tree peony
Mentha arvensis- 薄荷 Bò hé- Peppermint stalk and leaves
Spleen and Stomach deficiency with loose stools