Tablet 首烏丸 Shǒu wū wán
GROUP: Blood tonic 1. Nourishes Blood and Yin, tonifies
the Liver and Kidneys
1. Kidney and Liver Yin deficiency. Blood deficiency: Hair loss,
dry thinning or greying of the hair, dry skin, pale complexion P- weak and thready
APPLICATIONS: Hair loss, dry thin or premature greying of the hair,
alopecia, women's anemia ( low hemoglobin and iron deficiency), dry skin with
mild constipation, high cholesterol.
multiflorum- 何首乌 Hé shǒu wū- Fleece flower root
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Damp Heat patterns, Spleen and Stomach Qi Deficiency
with poor digestion and loose stools
COMMENTS: This herb is names after Mr He who is said to have found
a particularly large specimen and, after taking it for a period of time, found
that greying hair had become black. HE SHOU WU means "black hair MR HE".