Rehmannia, Figwort & Forsythia 清營湯 Qing ying tang- "Clear nutritive level"         
Group: Clear Heat
1. Clears Heat from the Nutritive level and resolves Toxicity.
1. Nutritive level Heat patterns with consumption of Yin or Body Fluid: Low grade or tidal fever, red face, restlessness and irritability, insomnia, skin eruptions, dry skin, bleeding disorders (eg epistaxis, abnormal uterine bleeding, purpura), early menstruation with bright red flow T- dry crimson with little coat P- rapid.
APPLICATIONS: Epidemic infections, early and heavy menstrual period, skin eruptions later stages of febrile disease, leukemic crisis.
Salvia miltiorrhiza- 丹参 Dān shēn- Red Sage root
Lonicera japonica- 金银花 Jīn yín huā- Honeysuckle Flower
Coptis chinensis- 黄连 Huáng Lián- Coptis root
Forsythia suspensa- 连翘 Lián qiáo- Weeping Forsythia
Lycium chinense- 地骨皮 Dì gǔ pí- Wolfberry Root bark
Scrophularia ningpoensis- 玄参 Xuán shēn- Ningpo Figwort Root
Rehmannia glutinosa- 生地黃 Shēng dì huáng- Fresh Rehmannia
Lophatherum gracile- 淡竹叶 Dàn Zhú Yè- Bamboo Grass
Ophiopogon japonicus 麦门冬 Mài mén dōng- Lilyturf root
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Cold patterns, Qi Deficiency
COMMENTS: This formula is used for both Excess and Deficiency Heat.