Apricot seed & Linum  Ma zi ren wan     
Group: Laxative, Purgative
1. Moistens the Intestines, drains heat, moves the Qi and unblocks the bowels.
1. Dryness in the Stomach and Intestines due to heat, causing constipation:
Constipation, dry hard stoos, difficult defaecation, frequent urination, reddish eyes, abdominal distention, hemorrhoids, generally the patient is in a weak state of health, fatigue after defecation T- thin white or yelow and dry coat P- floating and choppy or deep and rapid or thin and wiry.
Habitual constipation, consipation in the elderly or weak, hemorrhoids, constipation after febrile illness, post- partum or post-surgical constipation, chronic colitis.
HUO MA REN- Cannabis sativa seed Prunus armeniaca- 杏仁 Xìng rén- Sweet Apricot kernel
Paeonia lactiflora- 白芍 Bái sháo- White peony root
Citrus aurantium- 枳实  Zhǐ shí- Immature bitter orange
Magnolia officinalis- 厚朴 Hòu pò Magnolia bark
Rheum tanguticum- 大黄 Dà huáng- Rhubarb
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Severe Yin deficiency and Cold patterns. Pregnancy.
COMMENTS : This is a good general formula for constipation, as this condition usually involves some degree of internal Dryness, Heat and Qi stagnation.