Liver tonic from Cathay HerbsLiver Tonic  GUO TAI HU GAN JIAO NANG     Group: Regulate Qi             
Spreads the Liver Qi and harmonises the Liver and the Spleen, clears Damp Heat, clears Heat and resolves Toxicity
INDICATIONS: Damp Heat in the Liver with the Liver attacking the Spleen, Liver Qi stagnation and Spleen Qi Deficiency:
General malaise, low grade fever, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, headache, dark urine, pain and distention in the hypochonrium, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability T- normal or red with a thin white or yellow coat P- wiry thready
Chronic hepatitis
Artemisia capillaris茵陈蒿 Yīn chén hāo- Evergreen Artemisia
Salvia miltiorrhiza- 丹参 Dān shēn- Red Sage root
Astragalus propinquus-  黃耆 Huáng qí- Astragalus
Taxillus chinensis-  桑寄生 Sāng jì shēng- Mulberry Mistletoes
BAI SHAO- Paeonia lactiflora
Codonopsis pilosula- 党参 Dǎng shēn  Codonopsis root
JIN QIAN CAO- Glechoma longitubal
HU ZHANG- Polygonum cuspidatum
Bupleurum chinensis- 柴胡 Chái húBupleurum root
SHAN ZHA- Crataegus cuneata
LONG DAN CAO- Gentiana scabra
Lycium barbarum- 枸杞子 Gǒu qǐ zǐ- Wolfberry fruit 
Ziziphus jujuba, Z. vulgaris  大枣 Dà Zǎo- Large date
Curcuma aromatica 郁金 Yù jīn Wild Tumeric
Glycyrrhiza uralensis- 甘草 Gān cǎo- Chinese Licorice
Polyporus umbellatus- 猪苓 Zhū líng- Umbellate Pore wood fungus
Poria cocos茯苓 Fú líng- Hoelen fungus
Panax pseudoginseng- 田七 Tián qī- Notoginseng
This formula was developed by Cathay Herbal as a specific treatment for Heatitis C, for gneral use. Recent Australian clinical trials have shown that patients treated with this formula had significant reduction of liver inflammation and a significant reduction in ALT levels.

Gastroenterology, ISSN 0016-5085, 04/2001, Volume 120, Issue 5, p. A384
A Randomized Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial of a Chinese Herbal Preparation (CH100) in Chronic Hepatitis C.
Lindsay C. Mollison, Lean Totten, Crhis Hovell, Kirrille Thayne, Crystal Connely, Lyn Booth, Luiet Connor, Helen Van Gessell, Miles Beaman, James McCarthy, Lewis Marshall, John Olynyk, Michelle Porter, Fremantle Hosp. Fremantle Australia.
Aims: To examine the effects of CH100* in patients with Hepatitis C infection.
Methods: A randomized double blind placebo controlled trial in volunteers with chronic Hepatits C. All subjects at enrolment had an elevated ALT and positive HCV-RNA by PCR. Two thirds of participants received active CH100 and one third received placebo. Treatment was for 6 months, with a 6 month follow-up period. Subjects were reviewed regularly trhoughout the trial with clinical examination, measurement of ALT and HCV titre. Quality of life was studied using SF-36 and symptoms checklist.
Results: Ninety seven (97) subjects entered the trial. At the present time unblinding has not occurred. Fifty three (53) subjects have completed the program, 17 are in follow up, and 7 remain on therapy. Twenty (20) subjects have withdrawn. Mean screening ALT was 103 IU/ml and mean last ALT of all subjects whilst on treatment was 92 IU/ml (P=0.027, paired t-test). Twelve of 70 subjects (17%) who have completed the 6 month period of treatment had a normal ALT at the end of treatment (P= 0.02, Fisher's test compared with baseline). A further 4 subjects normalised ALT at some time during the the treatment phase. Subjects reported symptoms during treatment.
Conclusions: These prelminary data suggest that the combination of herbs contained in CH100 may be beneficial in lowering ALT and in imporving symptoms and quality of life in patients with chronic Hepatitis C infection.
Footnote- CH100 is a Chinese herbal preparation from Cathay Herbal Laboratories, PO Box 878 Haymarket Sydney 2000 Australia.