Conception Channel        

CV 1 Huiyin*          
1. Pruritus vulvae.[1] Irregular menstruation.[1] Seminal emission.[1] Prostatitis.[2] 
2. Retention of urine.[1] Enuresis.[1] Urethritis.[2]
2. Mental disorders.[1]
3. Pain and swelling of the anus.[1]
4 . Revive from drowning.[2]
LOCATION: In the centre of the perineum. It is between the anus and the scrotum in males and between the anus and the posterior labial commissure in females. [1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-20 mm.[1]

CV 2 Qugu*           
1. Seminal emission.[1] Impotence.[1] Leukorrhea.[1] Hernia.[1] Irregular menstruation.[2] Orchitis.[2] Prolapsed uterus.[2]
2. Cystitis. Retention of urine.[1]
LOCATION:  On the midline of the abdomen, just above the symphysis pubis.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 8-25 mm.[1]

CV 3 Zhongji**
Front- Mu Point of the Urinary Bladder         
FUNCTIONS: Regulate and promote the function of the uterus, regulate lower Jiao, eliminate Damp-Heat. Assists in the transforming function of Qi.
1. Enuresis.[1] Retention of urine.[1] Frequency of micturition.[1]Nephritis.[2] Urethritis.[2]
2. Irregular menstruation.[1] Leukorrhea.[1] Seminal emission.[1] Uterine bleeding.[1] Prolapse of uterus.[1] Pain of the external genitalia.[1] Pruritus vulvae.[1] Spermatorrhea.[1,2] Impotence.[2] Premature ejaculation.[2] Female sterility.[2] Pelveoperitonitis.[2] Dysmenorrhea.[2]
3. Pain in the lower abdomen.[1]
4 . Sciatica.[2]
LOCATION: On the anterior midline, 4 cun below the umbilicus, 1 cun above the upper border of symphysis pubis.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 20 mm.[1]

CV 4 Guanyuan** Front- Mu Point of the Small Intestine         
FUNCTIONS: Promote the function of the Ki, tonify Yuan Qi, regulate menstrual flow. Much used for dysmenorrhoea. Restores Yang. Regulates Qi.
1. Enuresis.[1]  Seminal emission.[1] Frequent urination.[1] Retention of urine.[1] Urinary tract infection.[2] Nephritis.[2] Spermatorrhea.[2]
2. Irregular menstruation.[1] Dysmenorrhea.[1] Leukorrhea.[1] Prolapse of uterus.[1] Amenorrhea.[1] Uterine bleeding.[1] Postpartum hemorrhage.[1] Hernia.[1] Lower abdominal pain.[1] Functional uterine bleeding.[2] Impotence.[2] Pelveoperitonitis.[2]
3. Diarrhea.[1] Dysentery.[2] Round worms in the intestinal tract.[2]
3. Flaccid type of apoplexy.[1]
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 3 cun below the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 0.8-1.2 inch. Moxibustion may be applied fairly long and frequently.[1]

CV 5 Shimen* Front- Mu Point of Sanjiao         
1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.[1,2] Leukorhea.[1] Amenorrhea.[1] Postpartum hemorrhage.[1] Amenorrhea.[2]
2. Retention of urine.[1] Enuresis.[1]
3. Hernia.[2] Abdominal pain.[1] Diarrhea.[1]
4. Edema.[1]
5. Mastitis.[2]
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 2 cun below the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-25 mm.[1]

CV 6 Qihai**          
FUNCTIONS: Regulate Qi circulation, tonify Deficient Kidneys, dispel Dampness. 

1. Irregular menstruation.[1] Abnormal uterine bleeding.[1] Leukorrhea.[1] Postpartum hemorrhage.[1] Enuresis.[1] Dysmenorrhea.[2] Incontinence.[2] Polyuria.[2] Urinary retention.[2] Spermatorrhea.[2] Impotence.[2]
2. Abdominal pain.[1] Hernia.[1] Diarrhea.[1] Constipation.[1] Abdominal distention.[2] Intestinal paralysis.[2]
3. Flaccid type of apoplexy.[1] Neurasthenia.[2]
4. Edema.[1]
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 1.5 cun below the umbilicus. [1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 20-30 mm. Moxibustion may be appled often.[1]

CV 7 Abdomen- Yinjiao*          
1. Irregular menstruation.[1] Abnormal uterine bleeding.[1] Leukorrhea.[1] Pruritus vulvae.[1] Post partum haemorrhage.[1] Prolapsed uterus.[2]
2. Hernia.[2]Abdominal pain around the umbilicus.[2]
3. Edema.[2]
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 1 cun below the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 20-30 mm.[1]

CV 8 Shenque**           
FUNCTIONS: Warms and stabilizes the Yang, strengthens the transporting function of the Spleen and Stomach.
1. Chronic diarrhea.[1] Borborygmus.[1] Abdominal pain.[1] Prolapse of rectum.[1] Acute and chronic enteritis.[2] Intestinal tuberculosis.[2] Shock resulting from intestinal adhesions.[2] Prolapsed anus.[2]
2. Flaccid type of apoplexy.[1]
3. Edema.[2]
LOCATION: In the centre of the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Puncture is contraindicated. Moxibustion is applied with large cones, 5-15 in number, or with moxa stick for 5-15 min.[1]

CV 9 Shuifen *          
1. Borborygmus.[1] Abdominal pain.[1] Ascites.[2] Vomiting.[2] Diarrhea.[2]
2. Nephritis.[2] Edema.[1]
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 1 cun above the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-25 mm.[1]

CV 10 Xiawan*          
1. Gastric pain.[1] Abdominal distention.[1] Dysentery.[1] Borborygmus.[1] Vomiting.[1] Undigested food in stool.[1] Indigestion.[2] Stomach ache.[2] Prolapsed stomach.[2] Diarrhea.[2]
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 2 cun above the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 20-30 mm.[1] 

CV 11 Jianli*          
1. Gastric pain.[1] Vomiting.[1] Anorexia.[1] Abdominal distention.[1] Acute and chronic gastritis.[2] Ascites.[2] Borborygmus.[2] Abdominal pain.[2]
2. Angina pectoralis.[2]
3. Edema.[1]
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 3 cun above the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 20-30 mm.[1]

CV 12 Zhongwan**  Front- Mu Point of the Stomach         
FUNCTIONS: Regulate Stomach Qi, tonify Spleen, relieve retention of food, eliminate Dampness, subdue ascending Qi of Stomach. 
1. Abdominal distention.[1,2] Vomiting.[1,2] Gastric pain.[1] Regurgitation.[1] Diarrhea.[1] Dysentery.[1] Stool with undigested food.[1] Gastritis.[2] Gastric ulcers.[2] Prolapsed stomach.[2] Acute intestinal obstruction.[2] Stomach ache.[2] Diarrhea.[2] Constipation.[2] Indigestion.[2] 
2. Neurasthenia.[2] Mental disease.[2]
3. Hypertension.[2]
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 4 cun above the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 25-38 mm.[1]

CV 13 Shangwan**         
1. Gastric pain.[1] Regurgitation.[1] Vomiting.[1] Gastritis.[2] Dilated stomach.[2] Stomach spasms.[2]
2. Seizures.[1]
3. Cardiac spasms.[2]
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 5 cun above the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 20-30 mm.[1]

CV 14 Juque ** Front Mu- Point of the Heart         
FUNCTIONS: Calm the mind and pacify the Stomach. Much used of epigastric pain. 
1. Pain in the cardiac region and the chest.[1] Palpitation.[1] Angina pectoralis.[2]
2. Vomiting.[1] Regurgitation.[1] Difficulty in swallowing.[2] Nausea.[1] Stomach ache.[2] Hiccough.[2]
3 . Mental disorders.[1] Seizures.[1]
4. Round worms in the bile duct.[2] Chronic hepatitis.[2] 
LOCATION: On the midline of the abdomen, 6 cun above the umbilicus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 8-20 mm.[1]

CV 15 Jiuwei*  Luo Connecting Point         
1. Pain in the cardiac region and the chest.[1] Angina pectoralis.[2]
2 . Mental illness.[1] Seizures.[1]
3. Regurgitation.[1] Hiccough.[2]
4. Asthma. [2]
LOCATION: Below the xyphoid process, 7 cun above the umbilicus. Locate the point in supine position with arms uplifted.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely downward 13 mm.[1]

CV 16 Zhonting*         
1. Difficulty in swallowing.[1] Vomiting.[2] Food stuck in throat.[2]
2. Sensation of fullness in the chest.[1]
3. Asthma.[2]
LOCATION: On the midline of the sternum, level with the 5th intercostal space.[1]
METHOD: 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1]

CV 17 Shanzhong** Front- Mu Point of the Pericardium         
FUNCTIONS: Regulate Qi circulation, subdue ascending Qi of St, dispel fullness from chest, soothe diaphragm clear the Lung, resolve phegm. 
1. Asthma.[1] Bronchial asthma.[2] Bronchitis.[2]
2. Pain in the chest.[1] Intercostal neuralgia.[2]
3. Lactation deficiency.[1] Mastitis.[2]
4. Hiccup.[1]
LOCATION: On the midline of the sternum, between the nipples, level with the 4th intercostal space.[1]
METHOD: 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1]

CV 18  Yutang*          
FUNCTIONS: Facilitates and regulates movement of Lu Qi, cools the throat and clears the voice. 
1. Asthma.[1] Cough.[1] Bronchitis.[2] Emphysema.[2]
2. Vomiting.[2]
3. Intercostal neuralgia.[2]
4. Pain in the chest[1]
LOCATION: On the midline of the sternum, level with the 3rd intercostal space.[1]
METHOD: 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1] 

CV 19 Chest-Zigong*         
1. Asthma.[1] Cough.[1] Bronchiectasis.[2] Tuberculosis.[2]
2. Pain in the chest.[1]
LOCATION: On the midline of the sternum, level with the 2nd intercostal space.[1]
METHOD: 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1] 

CV 20 Huangai*         
1. Asthma.[1,2] Cough.[1] Bronchitis.[2] Pharyngitis.[2]
2. Pain in the chest.[2] Intercostal neuralgia.[2]
LOCATION: On the midline of the sternum, at the level of the 1st intercostal space.[1]
METHOD:8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1] 


CV 21 Xuanji **          
1. Cough.[1] Asthma.[1] Bronchial asthma.[2] Chronic bronchitis.[2] 
2. Pain in the chest.[1] Cardiac spasm.[2]
3. Spasms of the esophagus.[2]
LOCATION:  On the midline of the sternum, midway between Tiantu- Ren22 and Huagai- Ren20.[1]
METHOD: 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1]

CV 22 Tiantu**         
FUNCTIONS Promote dispersing function of Lu, resolve Phlegm, stop cough,
soothe asthma, clear throat, regulate Qi circulation, dubdue ascending Qi. Ren

1. Cough.[1] Asthma.[1] Sudden hoarseness of voice.[1] Sore throat.[1] Bronchial asthma.[2] Bronchitis.[2] Pharyngitis.[2] Diseases of the vocal chords.[2] 
2. Hiccup.[1]
3. Nervous vomiting.[2] Spasms of the esophagus.[2]
4. Goiter.[2]
LOCATION:  In the centre of the suprasternal fossa.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely 13-18 mm towards the posteor inferior aspect of the sternum. Deep puncture is not advisable.[1] 

CV23 Lianquan*         
FUNCTIONS: Stiffness of tongue, ease the throat (Wind-stroke) Ren 24-Chengjiang
Dispel Wind. Sedative- to stop pain 

1. Swelling of the subglossal region.[1] Paralysis of hypoglossus muscles.[1] Salivation with glossoplegia.[1] Aphasia with stiffness of tongue.[1] Sudden hoarseness of voice.[1] Difficulty in swallowing.[1]
2. Bronchitis.[2] Pharyngitis.[2] Tonsillitis.[2] Loss of voice.[2]
LOCATION: Above the Adams apple, in the depression at the upper border of  the hyoid bone.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-25 mm with the needle directed upward.[1]

CV 24 Chengjiang**          
1. Facial paralysis.[1] Hemiplegia.[2]
2. Facial swelling.[1] Swelling of the gums.[1] Excessive salivation.[1] Ulcers in the mouth.[2]
3 . Toothache.[1]
4 . Mental disorders.[1]
LOCATION: In the depression in the centre of the mentolabial groove.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely upward 5-8 mm.[1]

[1] Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture Shanghai

[2] Acupuncture A comprehensive Text Beijing