Dan Shen Yin Wán   Salvia Formula      Group- Blood Regulating     DAN SHEN YIN Salvia Formula    
Quickens the Blood and dispels Blood stasis, moves the Qi and alleviates pain.
INDICATIONS: Stagnation of Qi and Blood Stasis in the Middle and upper Jiao: Pain in the epigastric region and abdomen radiating to the back or scapula, chest stuffiness or pain, discomfort or tenderness or the costal and hypchondrial area, shortness of breath, hiccups, constipation, loss of appetite. T- purplish or purple spotted tongue. P- hesitant or wiry-slippery and tight.
APPLICATIONS: Angina pectoris, chronic gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, gastroneurosis, chronic pancreatitis, coronary heart disease, cholecystitis, hepatitis, dysmenorrhea.
Salvia miltiorrhiza- 丹参 Dān shēn- Red Sage root 
Amomum villosum-  砂仁  Shā rén- Cardamon
TAN XIANG- Santalum album- Sandalwood
This formula may be taken in low dose long tgerm for prevention of cardiovascular diseases.